A Stick
There are several trillion Sticks in the world. This has been a fact for millions of years. Though Sticks can be different, each and every one of them can be used as a tool of some sort.
Description of A Stick
This is A Stick:
A Stick In Use
This is A Stick being used as a tool:
Other Things You Can Do With A Stick
- bust one off in somebody's ass
- stir a pot
- kill mosquitoes
- maneuver a crowd of people out of the way
- pry an item out of something
- kindle a fire
- pick dog shit out of the grooves in the bottom of your work boots
- dig a splinter out
- knock something out of a tree
- club an attacker over the head
- roast marshmallows
- push a button that is just out of reach
- wrap rope around it to make a spool
- jam it into an evil person's eye
- prop up a rock to make a dead fall trap
- whittle it sharp and drill a hole in thin leather
- write messages in sand or mud
- play fetch with a dog
- disable a coin operated vending machine by shoving it in the coin slot
- hit a golf ball
- back scratcher
- drum stick
- remove cat toys out from under the refrigerator
- shove it into a blister to drain it
- a cane for when you have a broken ankle
- make a Vietnamese trap that will wound the enemy
- make jokes about something being Sticky
And literally millions of more uses. Utilization of A Stick is only limited by the user's imagination.
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Garlic Powder In A Pile of Mushrooms | Pull Tab | A Stick | Analog Water Meter | Thinkpad | Killdozer | Doritos Ingredients | Lego Killdozer | Babortion | Half a Pint of Jim Beam | Sensible Chuckle | Terminiello v. Chicago | Foaming Pee | Cohen v. California (1971) | Jeff's Sex Doll | Collective Nouns | Government | Dead Companies | FAB FACTS!!! | COVID-19 | Irish Sunglasses | Unsolicited Phone Call From A Hooker (Scam) | The Bechdel Test | A Fucking Jellyfish Sting | Covid-19 Vaccine | The World's Largest Living Organism | Immanentize The Eschaton | Mattress Store | Babort | Human Goo | Randall's Sex Doll | Yeah Buoy | The Stock Market | One Quarter Of A Car | Hoes Mad | Bobcat and Bush Hog | Alexa | Gas Station Knife | Boner Garage | Vom | Ka-chunk | Clacka-Clacka | Dollar General | Air Conditioning | Daddy Long Legs | Old Furniture | Software Development | Home Defense | Resealable Plastic Bags | Detached Sewage Line | Delivering A Notice | Coat Hanger | Turtles All The Way Down | Germans | Smile | Massengill | Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment | 9 Dollar Paper Towels | Butt Kicking Machine | Ghost Barn | Edgelord | The Internet | Toledo | Burdizzo | J Channel | Dumpster Dolls | Furniture Row | Negligent Discharge | Cuck Chair | LaFontaine | Dear God, What Have I Done?