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FAB FACT #1: sharks have been around on planet earth longer than trees

FAB FACT #2: the first person convicted of speeding was traveling at 8 miles per hour.

FAB FACT #3: the moon has "moon quakes"

FAB FACT #4: rabbits cannot puke

FAB FACT #5 the english word with the most definitions is "set"

FAB FACT #6 space smells like steak

FAB FACT #7 ben franklin had 11 bodies in his basement

FAB FACT #8 humans have gained an extra bone in their knee recently and it is called a fabella

FAB FACT #9 depending on its temperature, water makes different sounds

FAB FACT #10 the legend of the loch ness monster is over 1500 years old

FAB FACT #11 the first iphone wasnt made by apple

FAB FACT #12 a tick bite can make you allergic to red meat

FAB FACT #13 james doohan, known as scotty from star trek, had his finger shot off by friendly fire at juno beach during d-day

FAB FACT #14 greenland sharks are capable of living over 450 years

FAB FACT #15 mucus is expelled from the nose faster than a cheetah can run

FAB FACT #16 saudi arabia imports camels from australia

FAB FACT #17 pluto is technically only one year old

FAB FACT #18 there are 2000 serial killers active in the united states right now

FAB FACT #19 every time you shuffle a deck of cards, the combination has never happened before (52 factorial)

FAB FACT #20 the incas used to give guinea pigs earings and other jewlry

FAB FACT #21 pen caps have a hole in them because a child choked on one once

FAB FACT #22 beaver poop is used to enhance vanilla flavoring

FAB FACT #23 dolphins sleep with one eye open

FAB FACT #24 squirrels are responsible for most power outages

FAB FACT #25 the inventor of the pringles can is buried in one

FAB FACT #26 the goodyear blimp is the offical bird of redondo beach, california

FAB FACT #27 an average cloud can weigh more than a million pounds

FAB FACT #28 james cameron sold the rights to "the terminator" for one dollar

FAB FACT #29 blue whales have veins so large, a fully grown human can swim through one.

FAB FACT #30 vincent connare invented the comic sans font

FAB FACT #31 rumble strips on route 66 in new mexico will sound like "america the beautiful" when driven over at 45 miles per hour

FAB FACT #32 sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can

FAB FACT #33 all froot loops cereal are the same flavoring

FAB FACT #34 adolf hitler was nominated for a nobel peace prize

FAB FACT #35 the tongue of a blue whale weighs more than an elephant

FAB FACT #36 the world's tallest waterfall is under water

FAB FACT #37 the inventor of most of the internet hates that he invented URLs

FAB FACT #38 everybody knows that a flock of crows is called a "murder" but most people do not know that a flock of ravens is called an "unkindness"

FAB FACT #39 the world's smallest wasp is smaller than an amoeba

FAB FACT #40 the last letter added to the english alphabet was the letter "J"

FAB FACT #41 canada eats more mac'n'cheese than any other country on earth

FAB FACT #42 there are more lego "mini figures" in existance than actual people on earth

FAB FACT #43 australia is wider than the moon

FAB FACT #44 in 2014, there was a tinder match in antacrtica

FAB FACT #45 queen elizabeth II is a mechanic and can repair automobile engines

FAB FACT #46 wombat poop comes out in cubes

FAB FACT #47 king henry the eigth knighted the four people in charge of wiping his ass

FAB FACT #48 abe lincoln was once a bartender

FAB FACT #49 the mars rover played "happy birthday" to itself on its aniversery of one year on the planet

FAB FACT #50 richard nixon was an accomplished accordion player

FAB FACT #51 james pierpoint wrote "jingle bells" in 1857 and it was originally a drinking song

FAB FACT #52 orcas have 2 organs that have funny names, but sinster uses: the melon and the phonic lips

FAB FACT #53 orcas in captivity show a sense of humor for a time. when confronted with a mirror, they have been seen "showing off," "clowning around," and even sticking their tongue out when amused

FAB FACT #54 baby hedgehogs are called "hoglets"

FAB FACT #55 the most expensive prop in the movie "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" was the popcorn gun. It also fired real popcorn.

FAB FACT# 56 the original script for Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan had Spock dying at the beginning.

FAB FACT# 57 In the 1980s, drug lord Pablo Escobar imported 4 hippopotamuses (hippopotami) to Columbia. Today, there are over 100 of them hanging out in the jungles.

FAB FACT# 58 Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond books is also the author of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."

FAB FACT# 59 Roald Dahl, author of the "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" series, was the screenplay writer for "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."

FAB FACT# 60 Marshmallows were created by ancient Egyptians.

FAB FACT# 61 The horse that Jamie Fox rides in Django Unchained is his own horse.

FAB FACT# 62 Hank Williams real name is Hiram "Hank" Williams. Hank Williams Jr. real name is Randall Hank Williams. This makes Hank Williams Jr. not really a "junior."

FAB FACT# 63 Hank Williams III's real name is Shelton Hank Williams. Making him not a "Third."

FAB FACT# 64 The Lunar Lander on Apollo 10 was nicknamed "Snoopy." The lander on Apollo 11 was "Eagle."

FAB FACT #65 Ettore Boiardi (Chef Boyardee), the guy who invented canned spaghetti, died in 1985. His likeness is used as a logo for over 50 products to this day.

FAB FACT #66 Chef Boyardee received a medal from the Soviet Union for producing canned food for Russian troops.

FAB FACTS!!! is a part of a series on Things