Old Furniture
These days, everybody is getting shitty rent-to-own furniture, or buying "put together on your own with instructions written by some person who has a loose grasp on the English language" Walmart crap. Lesser dregs have comparable options. They just dumpster dive for a coffee table and a piss soaked mattress. Doesn't matter where everybody (rich assholes and gross poor folk alike) get their new, well appointed, furnishings.
They still have to get rid of the old stuff.
Thinking that just putting it on the side of the road is not an option. There are guys out there that actually have to pick up and remove all that horseshit. Additionally, you and your brother-in-law hauled it out to the curb...but most of the time,[1] those sanitation workers are alone. Thankfully, those guys have figured out the best way to remove your janky-ass, roach filled, piss stained, shitbox furnishings...
Further Investigation
People are shit. There is no way around this statement. Every single person on this earth shits on everything and then expects some other shit person to clean up the mess. This is why somebody used an excavator to put your god damned La-Z-Boy in a dumpster. Fuck you.
- ↑ har har har, suckers
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