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negligent discharge

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Anonymous No.gif 04:48, 10 March 2025 (EDT) No.495097476

You shouldn't feel too bad, they've happened to me a few times

>At friends apartment at college.

>Just bought my first pistol from a gun show (I was 18)

>Drinking with friends

>Show them my new Jericho

>Try to manually decock

>Thumb slips on hammer, ND into celling Upstairs neighbors too high and drunk (underage and illegal drugs) to call the police.

Second time

>At range

>Showing friend pistol

>Think gun is unloaded

>Point at ground show him how to wrack and pull the trigger.

>Forgot loaded mag in

>Shoot between his feet

Third time

>At parents house.

>Just bought a sig from a guy

>Get home

>Try swapping slides with another sig I had

>Forgot the other sig slide was chambered.

>Pull trigger

>Shoot parents wall

Fourth time

>At my new house

>Playing with a friend's 5.56 AK

>Release bolt

>Slam fires round into ground

Fifth time

>Showing a friend how to use it

>No idea how but a round got chambered

>Show him how the trigger works

>Pull trigger

>Shoots round into floor in the same place as before

Sixth time

>Thought maybe the house was haunted

>Grab a sig

>Physically clear it, (racked the slide 3 times) with no magazine in pull trigger at the same hole

>Round goes off

Seventh time

>Friend brings over a used

>Glock wants me to look over it

>I grab it and pull the trigger without clearing it

>Didn't even realize the thing was loaded.

Eighth time

>Friend brings over his transferable Mac 10

>I had no idea how open bolt guns worked.

>He's showing it off to me I put a loaded mag it and decided to try and release the bolt (I thought it shot from a closed bolt)

>Pulled the trigger for some reason

>Shot 3 rounds into my wall

Overall you shouldn't feel too bad about NDs. It's part of owning guns, and you should get used to them.

Anonymous Us.gif 04:48, 10 March 2025 (EDT) No.495097545
Thank you for your service!
Anonymous Us.gif 04:48, 10 March 2025 (EDT) No.495098654
so was the house haunted or not?
Anonymous Us.gif 04:48, 10 March 2025 (EDT) No.495099887


Quote.png A negligent discharge is an unintentional firing of a shot due to improper weapon handling. It occurs when a firearm is unintentionally fired, usually because of carelessness or ignoring basic safety rules. The fault lies entirely with the person handling the gun. Even if not done on purpose, the shooter is responsible for any resulting consequences. Negligent discharge can result in serious charges, including felony charges. Quote1.png

Later Reports

Sadly, this copypasta is from 2020...and has updates that I am too lazy to add to the text at the top of the article. You can find the original if you use google.

Negligent Discharge is a part of a series on Things