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Detached Sewage Line

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You are about to have a very BAD DAY.

Sewage detached expl.jpg

Wot Happen?

A Detached Sewage Line means that the sewage pipe used to evacuate sewage from your home has become detached. This causes: the spilling of your human waste, dish water, shower water, and whatever else you managed to shove down there onto the ground.


  • You bought a house and don't know how to fix it.[1][2]
  • You bought a house, know how to fix it, but you don't care.
  • Your mom bought a house, died, and left you the house in the will. You don't know how to fix it.[3][4]
  • Your mom bought a house, died, and you just moved in and don't care.[5][6]
  • 4loko[7]
  • Your dad needed to get you out of the house due to your drug problem. Because you are high all the time, you don't notice the smell.
  • Natty Ice[8]
  • You happened to catch COVID-19 and lost your sense of shame.
  • You managed to flush something bigger and harder than a standard loaf of bread.
  • Your fatass grandma stopped by, took a HUGE penecks and it broke your shit.
  • Fentanyl[9]
  • Your brute wife slapped the tar out of you and you can no longer walk.
  • Your brute wife's brute dad slapped the dogshit out of you for sassing your brute wife. Your arms no longer work.
  • You wandered off from your mobile home because you were high, got arrested, and you are now in county.
  • You forgot.


Get sober[10] and get under the house and re-attach the pipe. It's right there, for Christ's sake! You don't even have to get dirty! OH NO, you have to move your (non-working) lawn mower...

Don't be a conscientious human being...NO! Force your neighbors to smell the summer-cooked sewage you are just letting sit under your home! Gosh, I hope your neighbors don't report you to the health department... if they do that, they will shut down your water too!

After all is said and done, buy a bag of lime,[11] to clean up your poop.


Be a decent human being for a change.


Detached Sewage Line is a part of a series on Things