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9 Dollar Paper Towels

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The other day I was wandering down the aisle of a local big box hardware store. At the end of the aisle, there was a display of what looked like normal paper towels, but the funny thing about the display was the huge price sign above the towels.

It said $9.00

I bought a roll just to see why these seemingly normal looking paper towels were so expensive.


9dollar towels2.jpg

Unwrapping the roll, I discovered that these towels were thick. I don't mean Viva™ thick, and I don't mean shop towel thick. These 9 dollar towels were as thick as a dish rag or a wash cloth. I began to understand why they were priced so aggressively high.

I brought them out at a barbecue and used a single 9 dollar towel to clean a cast iron griddle several times over the course of a few hours. They stood up to the grease from the hamburgers that I cooked, and they stood up to the fearsome heat from the griddle. The people hanging out while I used these 9 dollar towels were very impressed. I even caught one of them trying to steal the roll when he thought I wasn't looking.

I Know, I Know

Yes, I am fully aware that these towels are for cleaning up paint work. But I am not a painter, so I shall never use them for that purpose. These things are too important, impressive, and durable to allow a lowly painter use them.

If You Are Curious

9 Dollar Paper Towels is a part of a series on Things