Foaming Pee
The internet seems to be in agreement on this one. When occurring every once in a while, Foamy Pee in the toilet is nothing to worry about. If it happens every day of your life for 25 years, you probably ought to go see a doctor.
Normal Reasons for Foamy Pee Pee
Searching the world wide web will give you the following causes:
- Distance from the toilet bowl. It's a physics thing.
- Velocity of the pee stream. Again, physics.
- Sitting down or standing up? Men tend to pee standing up so they get to watch and notice the foam. Women are sitting down and don't care.
- Urgency of desire to urinate. See Velocity above.
- Amount of protein in your diet and pee. This reason has been called normal by the internet, but some people seem to freak out because your kidneys are shutting down.
- Did you clean the toilet recently and forget to rinse all the soap out? Pretty simple one here, but a lot of people didn't seem to think of this.
- Duration of the urination. The longer the duration of the pee, the more the surface tension of the water is affected.
Oh Shit, call the doctor
A lot of hypochondriacs seem to think that foamy pee, even once, is the kiss of death. Reasons range from diabetes to HIV. One anecdotal story involved a gun shot wound to the stomach:
My mom's ex boyfriend had a stomach wound. He'd been shot and was in the hospital. While he was getting better, he had a catheter and a little nurse girl had to accompany him to the bathroom. He said she walked him to the toilet, opened up his robe and he said all that happened was he blew air out of his dick... hahahaha he said it sounded like a queef. What? foamy pee? No, he didn't get that, I just thought the air part was funny
Bad Reasons For Pee Foaminess
- Diabetes
- An STD such as syphilis. Pee foam accompanied with scorching hot urine.
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