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Resealable Plastic Bags

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Reseal bag.jpeg

Resealable plastic bags have been around for decades.[1] This fact raises several questions. First off, why do potato chips (and other bagged snacks), which come in plastic bags, not come in resealable bags? Why do socks and t-shirts have a zip strip that seals the bag they come in?

The cheese industry figured this out back in 1985, when they introduced shredded cheese in resealable bags. Same goes for lunch meat manufacturers. Hell, you can get a 99 cent pack of bologna that will reseal. It is just the "chip industry" who seems to eschew any sort of seal.

Delving into this topic raised further questions.

Further Questions

Zip strip clearly visible.

Salty snacks like potato chips, tortilla chips, and scrumptious pork rinds do not come in a resealable bag. These snacks are oxygen sensitive. This means that once you open the bag, you are on a time table, racing against the inevitable spoilage that will happen. Sure, you can buy those "chip clips" and stave off the inescapable soggy, staleness that will occur, but why do you need to buy a chip clip when athletic tube socks come with a seal? It doesn't make sense.

Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.

Quote.png I’ve bought bars of soap that come in boxes cut like breakfast cereal boxes, to be re-closed after opening. Because that’s what people like to do after they use a bar of soap, is put it back in the box it came in.[2] Quote1.png

Another thing that makes little sense is the fact that bar soap comes in cardboard cartons that have a tab in case you want to put the bar back into it and close it up. Who the hell does that? Yes, there is the tiny .05% of hotel users who stick the soap back in the box, but does that mean the whole industry must bow to the will of that miniscule[3] portion of the population?

Why does it have that tab???

Even More Ridiculous

I have room in my closet for thousands of these.

They used to sell panty hose in eggs,[4] but that made sense. A woman took the panty hose out of the egg, put them on, and then tossed the egg. They sell hose to this day in cardboard sleeves (that do not reseal), but what the fuck is a sock hanger?

In lots of stores, single pairs of socks come packaged with a sock hanger so that you can, you know, hang your socks. Most people just roll them up and toss them in the corner, or in a drawer or something. I guess I never gave socks much thought, then again, I am a New York Yankees fan.

Not Resealable


  • BRUH just use a chip clip
  • m-m-maybe somebody likes to go to the g-gym and keep their s-s-socks dry?
  • cheese goes bad faster than potato chips!!!
  • stop asking questions, there are more important things going on in the world
  • they put the sock hangers in there in case you want to dry your socks outside
  • fuck the Yankees
  • hotel soap is gross, you need your own soap[5]
  • chips come in foil lined bags to keep them fresh.[6]


  1. https://blog.interplas.com/news/ziplock-bag-history
  2. https://boards.straightdope.com/t/why-are-mens-socks-sold-in-resealable-packages/664481/19
  3. This wiki's software says that the word "miniscule" is a misspelling. google does not: https://www.google.com/search?q=miniscule
  4. https://www.ebay.com/itm/295186672650?hash=item44ba7f2c0a:g:V14AAOSwF1BjCrVA
  5. it's fucking soap, by its nature, it cleans things.
  6. as if the plastic bag industry hasn't figured out how to put a zip lock on a foil lined bag.
Resealable Plastic Bags is a part of a series on Things