Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment
The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment[1] (also known as "that water bottle meme you see from time to time") can be described as a test that enables a content-representative assessment of recognition and recall aspects of critical thinking.
But, chances are that when you actually see the image, it is somebody trying to troll women. How this is done is by simply revealing the results of the test itself.
A lot of women fail this test for some reason.
Females disproportionately give the wrong answer to this puzzle. In their efforts to level the results, researchers tried using photos instead of schematics, using a container with rounded sides so there will be less interference with a horizontal water line, having the water lines pre-drawn and just asking the participants which line looked correct, and just generally making it easier and easier. It didn't matter: after decades of variations to the puzzle, a significantly higher proportion of female adults and adolescents still draw a slanting line.
Ex-teacher here. I was shocked when I realized for the first time that many students can not make the connection between a diagram shown on a board and the reality it represents. For the people getting the wrong answer there is no connection between what the picture represents and the consequences of altering its position with respect to the horizon in the presence of gravity.
That a 2D representation of an object simulates a real object in the real world just doesn't compute for them. It just absolutely fucking floored me that something so many of us take for granted from an early age is literally incomprehensible to others. How they even learn to read is a mystery to me.
Real World Outcome
The original paper presents several cross-national applications of the assessment, and recent work to expand the validation of the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment with real-world outcomes of critical thinking (e.g., contracting a sexual transmitted infection because you did not wear a condom). The real-world outcomes inventory measures behavior in a wide range of domains, such as education, health, finance, and interpersonal relationships.
Various Answers
There are a whole lot of people out there writing a whole lot of articles that try to dance around the answers they have found:
Women seem to not know how gravity works even with the ability to do the test in real life with a glass of water.[2]
Further Reading
Garlic Powder In A Pile of Mushrooms | Pull Tab | A Stick | Analog Water Meter | Thinkpad | Killdozer | Doritos Ingredients | Lego Killdozer | Babortion | Half a Pint of Jim Beam | Sensible Chuckle | Terminiello v. Chicago | Foaming Pee | Cohen v. California (1971) | Jeff's Sex Doll | Collective Nouns | Government | Dead Companies | FAB FACTS!!! | COVID-19 | Irish Sunglasses | Unsolicited Phone Call From A Hooker (Scam) | The Bechdel Test | A Fucking Jellyfish Sting | Covid-19 Vaccine | The World's Largest Living Organism | Immanentize The Eschaton | Mattress Store | Babort | Human Goo | Randall's Sex Doll | Yeah Buoy | The Stock Market | One Quarter Of A Car | Hoes Mad | Bobcat and Bush Hog | Alexa | Gas Station Knife | Boner Garage | Vom | Ka-chunk | Clacka-Clacka | Dollar General | Air Conditioning | Daddy Long Legs | Old Furniture | Software Development | Home Defense | Resealable Plastic Bags | Detached Sewage Line | Delivering A Notice | Coat Hanger | Turtles All The Way Down | Germans | Smile | Massengill | Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment | 9 Dollar Paper Towels | Butt Kicking Machine | Ghost Barn | Edgelord | The Internet | Toledo | Burdizzo | J Channel | Dumpster Dolls | Furniture Row | Negligent Discharge | Cuck Chair | LaFontaine | Dear God, What Have I Done?