Bobcat and Bush Hog
Need to clear a field really quick? Do you have to hack down a ton of underbrush that is in your way? Sounds to me like you need some heavy equipment...
You need a Bobcat and a Bush Hog.
See it in action below...
Here is an interior view while the Bobcat does it's work. Sorry for the shitty camera work, I was driving and filming.
Exterior view. The Bobcat enters the underbrush.
More destruction and mayhem.
Up close view of how the Bush Hog works.
The tractor is the "Bobcat" part, it powers the cutting attachment and also crushes everything in it's path. The "Bush Hog" is the long flat deck in front of the Bobcat. It houses 3 cutting blades that are half an inch thick and are capable of cutting down underbrush that is up to 4 inches thick.
Here are some pictures.
On the flatbed at the time of delivery.
Showing off the beefy and ballsy cutting blades. The blades are not driven by a shaft or a chain. Everything is done by hydraulics
This thing, all together, weighs in at a hefty 10,000 pounds.
Clearing the path along the right of way easement.
This thing was so totally badass to drive and to work with. If you have the means, I highly suggest you find the time to use one.
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