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Anonymous 04:42, 10 March 2025 (EDT)
Feminist angry.jpg


No, this isn't an article about how and where gummi will die. It is an article about a television show. Alone is one of those reality survival competition shows where they drop 10 men and women out in some godforsaken location, and just watch them as they starve to death. Contestants are required to outlast each other to win money.


This article isn't about the premise of the actual show, it is about my personal premise. I assert that this show exhibits vast differences between men and women. What vast differences? Mostly how the responsibilities and actions of the sexes differ from each other, especially when they are separated and put in a situation of dire stress.

Premise 2

Alone starving.jpg

As said above, contestants are required to outlast each other to win money. "Outlasting" on this show usually means: how long can this person starve before they either tap out or are pulled by the show producers for health reasons.

A lucky few of the contestants hit the "Alone Lottery" and actually secure a reliable source of food. One guy killed an elk or some shit.


Look, I am not going to go over each and every episode of this show as if I was in charge of a fandom wiki. I haven't watched every episode of the show, I quit when it started getting goofy.


Zack Fowler won season 3 and became a youtube guy.

Men on this show will endure starvation (to a point...the producers will yank a guy if they drop too much weight), injury (again, to a point), fending off vicious animals, and incredibly harsh weather.

The vast majority of men tap out and leave the show out of loneliness, love of their family, missing their children, and a lack of people to provide for. Once men on this show have constructed a shelter, secured food, and made a fire, they mostly have time for their own thoughts. These thoughts bring them back to their internal responsibilities that drive them.

There are outliers. Some pussies just can't stand the weather or suck at survival. This is to be expected. The producers of the show did not do their due diligence.


Callie Russell of Alone. She won 1 million bucks.

Most women on the show tap out because of personal discomfort. Again, I have to stress that this is not true in all cases; there was this one badass bitch that was starving. She even fought the producers when they tried to yank her from the competition.

Women contestants leave the Alone remote sites mostly because they have constructed a shelter wrong, have not secured a reliable source of food, non-injury physical issues, lack of fire, or accidents that they believe cannot be repaired without external help.


Alone anecdotal.jpg

My wife is far more intelligent than me, yet she marvels at my strength and ability. She sees through bullshit while I clod along being the "nice guy" that gets taken advantage of. Then again, she is baffled by backing a vehicle up in reverse.

  • She balances the checkbook
  • I can handle myself on a ladder
  • She plans both social and familial activities
  • I fix the toilet

This goes on and on.

And it really stresses the fact that there are definite differences between the sexes, especially us...and we are the perfect example of a perfect coupling, so this counts as evidence. Shut up.


Society tells men and women what their roles should be. In this day and age, the line is blurred when it comes to what a man or a woman are capable of. Women are empowered. Men should me more understanding. Blah Blah Blah. Both sexes have been sold a rotten bill of goods. There is a definite physical and mental difference between the sexes, despite what social media tells them.

I am going to just come out and say it: 99% of women are not built for the contest on Alone. That's not to say that I am either, I am an old fart that doesn't go in for that sort of thing. Additionally, a lot of men aren't built for Alone, but a far larger number of guys are.

It's just a competition skewed towards men's abilities.

Alone is a part of a series on Manly Shit

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