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So, Your Hydraulic Pump Died On Your Dump Bed?

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This sort of thing happens from time to time. Usually, it goes like this:

Boss: "Why isn't it working?"

Worker guy: "Dunno. It just froze..."

Boss: "So, Your Hydraulic Pump Died On Your Dump Bed?"

Worker: "Yeah, I guess so..."

And This Is How You Fix This Horseshit


And The Result Is Hilarious

This guy is about to fall over at the ridiculous situation.
And this guy is having way too much fun.

The Real Life Results

First off, who cares about that old shitty truck? It's heater didn't work, the power steering (probably serpentine belt issues that we never investigated) was shot, and the transmission selector was so broken that you had to climb under the thing and manually shift the truck into reverse.

But if you actually want to know what happened to that shitbox because we lifted the front end off the ground, the following things happened:

  • The frame got twisted terribly
  • The back window glass shattered
  • The front end steering controls decided to take a vacation
  • The bumper fell off
  • The driver's side tire slipped off of its wheel when it was set back down
  • I run out of jokes. That thing was such a heap, we ended up calling a junk yard and scrapping the vehicle.


Well, we knew we were going to be getting rid of the truck, so we just didn't care. Unloading 5000 pounds of wet, ground up leaves was all we were trying to do. Look man, don't judge me. We wanted to get home and get dry and warm.

The damn truck was owned by some billionaire who didn't give a single fuck about how the job got done, so we finished it by "any means necessary."

So, Your Hydraulic Pump Died On Your Dump Bed? is a part of a series on Manly Shit

SharkBite | Plugging A Tire | Do It Yourself! | Frost Heave | Terramite T5C | Shit, Shower, Shave | A Stick | Analog Water Meter | Testing A Drinking Water System | Husqyvarny | Putting A Tire On A Rim | Repairing A Water Service | A Pocketknife | Valve Snake | Bobcat and Bush Hog | Andre | Mr. Mitchell | DIY - Coffin | ZERK | Installing A Shut Off Valve On A Water Main | Stupid Baby Bunny | Putting In A Curb Stop | What To Do With An Old Mobile Home | Shed Happens | Skid Donuts | The Greatest NFL Team Of All Time | So, Your Hydraulic Pump Died On Your Dump Bed? | Sully | Penis Bone | Jump Start Your Truck With A Cordless Battery | Audrey Elizabeth Hale | Notre Dame | 710 | Green Leaf Volatiles | Perfect | Cyrus Nock | HVAC | Labor Day Weekend | Alone | Cedar | One Tough House | Heat Tape | John Cena | Mother's Day | Sweeping T | PVC Slide Repair Coupling | Stealing Water | Mini Excavator