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Labor Day Weekend

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Labor Day Weekend, or just about any holiday weekend, is the perfect time for a massive water leak. This particular Labor Day Weekend, multiple sections of water lines decided to give out. The community lost water pressure because the leaks were so bad. So what do you do? Pay emergency rates (because nobody wants to work on a Saturday on a holiday weekend) to a crew to fix the stuff.

The community's water lines are made of 2 inch black "poly." It is over 40 years old and starting to come to the end of its life.
Using a galvanized steel compression fitting, the repair is made by connecting schedule 40 PVC pipe. Not ideal, but will get the job done.
Running the PVC pipe to the home's water service. It comes up out of the ground in a black corrugated pipe that has been cut to length. In the industry, it is called a "crock."
Full length of the repair...over 30 feet of bad pipe removed and replaced.
Labor Day Weekend is a part of a series on Manly Shit

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