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Cyrus Nock

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Remember this guy?

Cyrus Nock dislocated an elbow, fractured a vertebra, fractured three ribs and has a collapsed lung.

That guy is Cyrus Nock, and he survived that fall and is back in action with his family circus act "The Nerveless Nocks."

Their circus and entertainment roots date back to the early 1700s and were legally established as Switzerland’s first circus in the year of 1840, legally acknowledged by the Swiss government. The Nock family has produced the finest live circus and thrill shows for over 9 generations. The Original Nocks performed for Queen Elizabeth in 1954 as a command performance in London, England and after their performance for the Queen she named them Nerveless and the name was created.

See Also

Cyrus Nock is a part of a series on Manly Shit

SharkBite | Plugging A Tire | Do It Yourself! | Frost Heave | Terramite T5C | Shit, Shower, Shave | A Stick | Analog Water Meter | Testing A Drinking Water System | Husqyvarny | Putting A Tire On A Rim | Repairing A Water Service | A Pocketknife | Valve Snake | Bobcat and Bush Hog | Andre | Mr. Mitchell | DIY - Coffin | ZERK | Installing A Shut Off Valve On A Water Main | Stupid Baby Bunny | Putting In A Curb Stop | What To Do With An Old Mobile Home | Shed Happens | Skid Donuts | The Greatest NFL Team Of All Time | So, Your Hydraulic Pump Died On Your Dump Bed? | Sully | Penis Bone | Jump Start Your Truck With A Cordless Battery | Audrey Elizabeth Hale | Notre Dame | 710 | Green Leaf Volatiles | Perfect | Cyrus Nock | HVAC | Labor Day Weekend | Alone | Cedar | One Tough House | Heat Tape | John Cena | Mother's Day | Sweeping T | PVC Slide Repair Coupling | Stealing Water | Mini Excavator | Hockey