Shed Happens
The channel is no longer called "Shed Happens" because the guy sold his mule, got rid of his business, and gave up the shed repo life. These days, him and his wife talk about being ex-Amish refugees that managed to escape the simple life.
The channel has been rebranded as "Life with Josh and Sarah" and has become 1000% less interesting. Oh well. I get that the repo job was pretty dangerous and that Josh ran into some crazy fuckers out there, but at the same time I think that Sarah might have wanted a bigger role in the channel. It seems that way.
Shed Happens WAS a youtube channel where a guy repo's sheds from people who don't keep up with their payments.
But he also can move sheds if somebody pays him enough. This is why I contacted him.
See Also
SharkBite | Plugging A Tire | Do It Yourself! | Frost Heave | Terramite T5C | Shit, Shower, Shave | A Stick | Analog Water Meter | Testing A Drinking Water System | Husqyvarny | Putting A Tire On A Rim | Repairing A Water Service | A Pocketknife | Valve Snake | Bobcat and Bush Hog | Andre | Mr. Mitchell | DIY - Coffin | ZERK | Installing A Shut Off Valve On A Water Main | Stupid Baby Bunny | Putting In A Curb Stop | What To Do With An Old Mobile Home | Shed Happens | Skid Donuts | The Greatest NFL Team Of All Time | So, Your Hydraulic Pump Died On Your Dump Bed? | Sully | Penis Bone | Jump Start Your Truck With A Cordless Battery | Audrey Elizabeth Hale | Notre Dame | 710 | Green Leaf Volatiles | Perfect | Cyrus Nock | HVAC | Labor Day Weekend | Alone | Cedar | One Tough House | Heat Tape | John Cena | Mother's Day | Sweeping T | PVC Slide Repair Coupling | Stealing Water | Mini Excavator | Hockey