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On or around March 11, 2022 many users of the irc.rizon.net IRC network received a mass private message from user "chicken_nugger" that contained the following link: https://ghostbin.lain.la/paste/7vpkz Contained in that link was the following text:

The twisted plot.

A forgone conclusion, an unwinnable battle.

Dear Mom, Dad, Tim,

This is probably the most difficult letter I have ever had to write. This is probably the most difficult letter you will ever had to read.

By the time you are reading this letter I, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, regret to inform you that I already am dead.

I apologize for leaving. I know it does not mean much to you, but I also apologize for being unable to fulfill my filial obligations. I apologize for being and continuing to be a burden to everyone.

We already know where we stand on this issue. We already agreed to disagree. Especially after I am gone I do not want to argue.

To preserve what remains of my honor, to protect my family’s honor, all that is left is to honorably die.

I wish that you respect my opinions and final wishes as follows:

1. All records of me are to be burnt/deleted, my name is to be erased, disown me and deny your son’s existence. I don’t want to carry my stain on to the family. If people ask claim it was an accident, or they are confusing our family with some other family.

2. You are not to retrieve the body, bury it or cremate it. Its not worthy of that.

3. You are to acknowledge that there was someone in this family who made great sacrifice, and to honor his actions regardless of your opinions. You are not to name who this is.

I apologize for being a lousy son. 200+ years of struggle through humiliation and this is the end. I hope that Tim will carry our legacy. He is strong, and I believe in him.

[family name]氏万歳! (Long live the [family name] legacy)!

悪戦苦闘! (Hard struggle, I fought back just as hard. This is Goodbye!

[name redacted]


The Nicks Recorded

Quote.png I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're referring to as Hochi, is in fact, Hochi/Zingas, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Hochi plus Zingas. Hochi is not a shitposter unto himself, but rather another chinese component of a fully functioning shiposting system made useful by the hochi corelibs, gas utilities and vital system components comprising a full shitposter as defined by Rizon. - Monkt[1] Quote1.png

BallSac says this chick is gummi's gf.

zingas, nineelevenwaslies, screw-chan, civet, gas, carrot^, apple-jews, matx|work, pectard, hochiminh, liquid, pseudos, linux4lyfe, herpdawg, juntaro, izzi, limeball, genkigirl, hurpdog, ruin, pokeyminch, lesterwood, razer, kagami, hurpdawg, joelbelmont, sayori-chan, l-o-v-e, saigon, h-a-t-e, ringo-chan, sago-williams, banana-tan, sellery, ahmed, good_vhelt, dolmas, mitsuko-chan, unix4death, nemdiggers, akbarr, lyme, wargarblgarbl, tenTWELVEwasLIES, sudos|D6100, hambone, gasshole, saskatoon, calabrese, NIGRODAMUS, \\NIGRODAMUS666\\, grassSTOPPER. passwole, asuna-chan, ILOVEVOMIT, ILOVEpiss, kekula, kushycat, KIKEula, ASUNA_CHAN, TERROIRist, tapeworm, |||||||||||||, P-nut, seacat, seacats, sevile, fourplebs, purpill, fagoli, brock_obama, coko, koko, Guest16240, stallmanu, richardo, NIGRADAMES, WHITE_AND_PROUD, yousef, broccoli_nigra, captain_rehab, kaawre, Caffeine-Kun, rageEmittingDiode, will-i-was, alevroub, swim, MICH, faget, fagget, faggget, stoke, michel, ase, YWATAW, ruin|lappy, groblet, wetqr, doblet, talet, dickbone, nigjewbadnews, reeeer, batter, tick, r52, qqde, hoppy, thirtyeight, nail, stick, burrito, GAYMANN, negroxC, dooge, ytler, berb, pela, shillax, seminole, dimrodica, BOT_, resincock, lan10, pitwick, meat, peal, vsd_job, wutno_jerb, wutno_job, R850, serverdown, RootB|away, Joseph|away, GEEGEEGEEGEE, pavana, EA, stickymouse, skews_brother, csa, JEWSDIDWTC, BuiBNC, desiderius|mobile, Lloyd, waY2, waY3, slap, thy, erratica, GANDALF_THE_GAY, politock, jubajuba, mumbasamba, llaae, pisssssssss, shojiki, tenjou, bunmatsu, enjou, shinbun, hasami, taiin, ooi, D11, esse, Rasputin, cici, cici_, ddat, subnautica, crate

Other Names

Gummi is also known as shit-pipe. A shit-pipe is depicted below:

Shit pipe 3000.jpg

How To Talk To Gummi


Gummi's Birthday

Hochi birthday.jpg

Associated Limericks

I forgot I wrote the first and last one of these. I cannot remember who wrote the second one, but it's good, so I shall steal it from the rizon wiki.

There once was a CHING CHONG from Nantucket
Whose penis was so small he said "fuck it"
So he cut off his log while butchering a dog
Then had pork fried poodle and WANG in a bucket

There once was a ching chong from malay
Who ran out of fresh cut Shar Pei
So he sliced off his cock, and dumped it into the wok
And said "This DOG tastes like wieners today"

There once was a fellow named hochi
Who mass highlighted channels to be funny
But then he got banned and had to eat dog that was canned
With mashed potatoes and rotten kim-chee

See Also

This all happened because of a BBQ
Gummi ascii.png


  1. The full copypasta: I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're referring to as Hochi, is in fact, Hochi/Zingas, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Hochi plus Zingas. Hochi is not a shitposter unto himself, but rather another chinese component of a fully functioning shiposting system made useful by the hochi corelibs, gas utilities and vital system components comprising a full shitposter as defined by Rizon. Many IRC networks run a modified version of hochi every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of calibration engineer which is widely used today is often called Hochi, and many of its victims are not aware that it is basically the Zingas system, developed by the /g/tv Project. There really is a Hochi, and these people are being masshilighted by it, but it is just a part of the IRC network they use. Hochi is the shit: the mental retardation in the system that allocates the shitposting resources to the other programs that you run. The hochi is an essential part of an IRC network, but useless by itself; it can only shitpost in the context of a complete IRCd. Hochi is normally used in combination with Zingas: the whole system is basically Zingas with Hochi added, or Hochi/Zingas. All the so-called Hochiminh distributions are really distributions of Hochi/Zingas!
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Monday March 10 2025 04:43 Page ID: 479

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