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Tom Bosley

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Tom Bosley
Tom's vicious wife, Marion

Tom Bosley was the long suffering father of the Cunningham family. Tom had many misfortunes concerning his children and spouse. His oldest son disappeared, his second oldest son "Ritchie" was an insufferable moron, and his daughter was a spoiled brat who eventually married a man named "cha-chi."

Mr. Bosley's wife, Marion, would often tell her own husband to "sit on it." Nobody knows what the phrase "sit on it" means, but the phrase was often used in stressed, or annoying situations, leading many to think she was using hate speech to belittle her husband. Despite all of this, Tom continually came home from his hardware store to her every night, even if that meant terrible cooking and indignant children.

On top of all these pressures, Tom found himself economically challenged. Due to this challenge, Tom was forced to renovate his attic into an apartment and take on a tenant. This tenant turned out to be a criminal "greaser" who constantly used Tom's tools, parked his motorbike in the driveway in such a way that it blocked everything, and continually had illicit prostitutes hanging around the attic apartment.

In the face of all these issues, Tom Bosley would use his intelligence and his wisdom to save the day and impart some of that understanding and sage insight upon his unappreciative wife, children, and tenant.

Accommodating The Antics

Criminal Greaser Scumball

Tom's forgiving and tolerant nature led him to suffer heartache and stress because of his wife, a criminal greaser, and one of his sons. This son, Ritchie, would often become entangled with the wrong sort of crowd and lead Tom into troubles that only his own insight could solve.


  • Ritchie gets drunk at a stag party.
  • Potsie talks Ritchie into sneaking out of his house to watch Fonzie compete in a midnight drag race.
  • Ritchie and Potsie want to become members of a local gang called the Demons.
  • Ritchie and the boys form a band to raise money, but Potsie loses it all in a poker game and Tom Bosley has to win it back for him.
  • Ritchie meets a beatnik named Deidre at the movies and gets caught up in her lifestyle (smokin the reefer).
  • Ritchie buys a car off of a greaser asshole. Tom Bosley finds out it is stolen and has to fix things.
  • Tom Bosley is apprehensive about his psycho daughter's first date. His worries deepen when he learns that her date is with a greaser criminal named "Spike."
  • Ritchie attempts to perform "Hamlet" and get his criminal greaser pals to perform in it.
  • Ritchie kisses a greaser criminal girl and thinks he has contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

Who The Hell Is Potsie?


In short, Potsie is another person that Tom Bosley has to put up with.

Potsie is one of Ritchie's loutish moron friends. He continually drags Ritchie and his family into troubles that only Tom Bosley can extricate them from. His schemes often lead to illegal activity that, at times, leads to arrest and incarceration.

On top of that, Potsie's overall demeanor is akin to a sexual predator. He is often planning ridiculous plots so that he, and his pal Ritchie, can "make out" with loose women. To further his strategies, he often poses as a "crooner." Crooner individuals are vocalists that sing, often with the accompaniment of a backing band, and are considered a sex symbol by their unsuspecting and impressionable fans.

Victim Of A "Malph"

Malph trying to be funny

Tom Bosley must also contend with a person named "Malph." Malph is the type of guy who goes around wearing a set of Groucho Marx "funny glasses," and expects people to laugh even though those things stopped being funny around 70 years ago.

The constant stream of unfunny jokes that this Malph hooligan spews is yet another source of tension in Tom Bosley's life, yet everyone around tolerates such nincompoopian behavior as long as Tom suffers.

But Malph is much more troubling. When Tom Bosley first met Malph, he was a gang member. This gang, "The Gems," seemed to give Malph "street cred," but in reality the gang was revealed to be fake. In fact, the criminal greaser went as far as to call Malph and his fake gang "a bunch of nerds."

Malph is also a coward. On several occasions, he has attempted to weasel his way out of trouble by acting like he is a karate expert. "These hands are lethal weapons" seems to be his go-to phrase when confronting somebody who wants to kick his unfunny ass.


None yet.

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