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Blanche Dumas

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Hi, this is Blanche Dumas. She was a French courtesan[1] who lived back in the way, way olden days.

Blanche dumas 2.jpg

What may look like a huge dong with a boot on it, is really her third leg.


Blanche dumas 1.jpg
Blanche dumas 3.jpg

Quote.png At the age of 25 Blanche was visited and documented by Bechlinger of Para, Brazil and consequently added to the pages of Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine. According to Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine Blanche had a ‘modified duplication of the lower body’.

She purportedly had a very broad pelvis, two imperfectly developed legs and a third leg attached to her coccygeus and, in addition to normal well-developed breasts, she also had two smaller rudimentary breasts – complete with nipples – close together above her pubic area. Furthermore, Blanche also had two vaginas and two well-developed vulvas and, allegedly, both had equally developed sensitivity. Her sexual appetite was said to be very pronounced. She was known to have many male admirers and was know to ‘entertain’ men with both her vaginas.[2] Quote1.png

The Anatomy Of Blanche Dumas

Dumas had a modified duplication of the lower body.[3] Below is a list of her bizarre anomalies.

1. A pelvis that was wider than normal.
2. Two legs that were underdeveloped.
3. A third leg was attached to her coccygeus (a muscle of the pelvic floor). This leg did not have a mobile joint. However, it still had a bend in it where the knee would have been.
4. Two functional vaginas (including two vulvas that were well-developed). It is believed that both vaginas had equally developed sensitivity.
5. A duplicate bowel and bladder.


Blanche Dumas is a part of a series on People*
* I used toilet paper image because I couldn't find a good graphic for "human garbage"

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