Billy Ripken
Much like Old Hoss Radbourn's finger bomb incident, Billy Ripken's baseball card is just another such photo troll in a sport that is full of fingers and trolling...
Standing near the on-deck circle at Fenway Park,[1] Ripken was holding a bat in the typical photo-op pose: bat over the shoulder, smiling for the camera. This time around, though, it was anything but typical. Written on the knob in black Sharpie was two words fuck face clearly scrawled for everyone to see.[2]
It's A Prank, Bro
Billy, who was a shitty baseball player,[3] was bullied and pranked on by his teammates. He had no idea the words "Fuck Face" were scrawled upon the nob of his bat when he posed for the card's image. He would go on to say that the prank "went too far."
I Was Only Acting Retarded
Then his story changed...[4]
- ↑ Fenway Park is a shithole:
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