American Mousetoss League
A very long time ago (probably 2002 or so), on a now deleted forum, a member said that it was impossible to throw a mouse more than 40 yards. Why? Well, even using the cord to wind up and throw it, there was just not enough weight to get that corded mouse more than 120 feet.
I knew this was silly. I was fully aware that I could throw a mouse further than that. I set about proving the forum member wrong.
My son (who was 3 at the time) and I headed out to a local junior high school and used their football field to get accurate measurements for my tosses. I threw the mouse a total of twelve times and managed to have a 70 yard toss.
Why did I create this article? Mostly because I found some very old pictures on an old hard drive and remembered the day we did the mouse tossing.
The forum that this all came from:
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