The Internet
For 95% of human existence, people wandered around in small tribes, hunting and gathering and basically not paying attention to what anybody else was doing. There was no time for such frivolous activity and such actions would be considered absurd by most of early mankind. When groups grew too large, they would create offshoots that would continue tradition.
Whether you believe in Dunbar's Number or not, when more people gather, traditionally, bad things happen. With each technological advancement in the communications realm, these small tribes became larger and larger groups. But is humanity capable of tolerating social groups larger than the good old days when we had the sense to divide tribes?
History says no. With each communications revolution, huge upheavals have occurred. The printing press gave fuel to dissent, the telephone destroyed privacy, the television gave us the 24 hour news cycle that increased anxiety. The latest "big thing" to happen within the last 50 years, is The Internet. And The Internet wants to kill you.
Do I really need to explain? The Internet is nothing but a destruction of the tribe. Human beings, while intelligent, are not capable of maintaining so many relationships. Think of a mildly popular twitter users, fending off millions of people when they say something that could be considered offensive to a fringe group of people. Think of some dumb redneck on facebook, showing a picture of his latest hunting experience, and then getting destroyed by an activist group who hates what he legally does. The Internet allows communication, but it is almost always a negative communication.
Is it hate? Is it jealousy? Is it lack of understanding? Is it elitism? It could be all or a mixture of some of these things. And the worst part is that artificial intelligence is aiding and abetting such behavior.
This is why you need to burn down 5G towers, fucko.
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