The War On Eggs
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This article is one of those types of articles that could get the author rubbed out, greased, black vanned, or sniped. Please try not to spread the information you have found here. |
Really, this article could be called "The War On Food," but that category is far too broad and I felt that narrowing it down to one particular item would be best.
The War On Eggs is a recent development embraced by the mass media. It is a bold faced attempt to demonize a valuable source of protein so that an unthinking populace can be persuaded to switch to other less desirable protein sources.[1]
Or is this war recent? The battle is "on again and off again," lately telling us that eggs cause blood clots. Science, it seems, just cannot figure out if eggs are good for you or are silently killing you...
The 1968 American Heart Association announced a dietary recommendation that all individuals consume less than 300 mg of dietary cholesterol per day and no more than three whole eggs per week. This recommendation has not only significantly impacted the dietary patterns of the population, but also resulted in the public limiting a highly nutritious and affordable source of high quality nutrients, including choline which was limited in the diets of most individuals.[2]
As suddenly as the AHA's report told us that eggs were bad, the egg industry responded with it's own study saying that eggs are incredible (and edible).
No one can really predict the future when it comes to the commercialization of science, but in the next 25 years, it is reasonable to expect that, in basic science, agriculture, and now protein bioprocessing, the chicken will continue to provide benefits to society. In the end, chicken could be the source of several therapeutic proteins that are “good for what ails you.”[3]
There is no wonder that the populace cannot figure out if eggs are good or bad. Usually, I would tell you to follow the money, and I still think that is a good idea (see below), because usually somebody is trying to manipulate facts so they can make a shitload of it.
If chickens are so great at making a readily available source of protein for consumers, why would anybody want to make war on them?[4] If eggs really are nutritional[5] and are easy to harvest,[6] why would somebody try to make them undesirable?[7]
Social media users are sharing an inaccurate headline to suggest that the scientific community is urging people to stop eating eggs after research showed the food was causing people to “suddenly” form dangerous blood clots. And we all believe everything we see on the internet, right? Social media isn't billions of bots used to repeat the same message over and over...NO! There is no way that the "powers that be"[8] would ever attempt to blame eggs on sudden death![9]
The claim that eggs are causing people to die suddenly form blood clots is not justified[10]
Saving the world is more important than you and your stupid off grid chicken run. HOW DARE YOU attempt to live a simple life providing your own food. The government is far better at telling you where your interests lie.
- Let’s just eat the bugs
- If we want to save the planet, the future of food is insects
- Eat Bugs! It’s What’s For Dinner
- 5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change
- Good grub: why we might be eating insects soon
- Why we’ll end up eating bugs The golden age of capitalism will emasculate us all
- By 2030, will we all own nothing, live in pods, and eat bugs?
- Dutch Schools Offer Children Worms and Insects as ‘Sustainable’ Meat Replacement
- Eat insects, save the world
- Bill Gates: Let them eat bugs!
- Oligarchs are preparing for your future as an insect-eater
- The Elite is Desperately Trying to Convince You to Eat Bugs. Here’s Why.
- Insects as food and feed in Europe: the future of protein?
Weaponized Food
Everything has been weaponized these days. The flu, automobiles, gender, gasoline, race, vaccines, movies, religion and even our own government have all been subverted and used against the populace, why would food be left off the list?[11]
Recently, eggs have soared in price[12] owing to high demand and the destruction of egg production facilities.[13][14] A recent outbreak of "avian flu" also seems to be a culprit, but I would take that news story with a grain of salt because the outbreak seems to be only in California.
Just like many other materials that have suddenly had a price increase (building materials, propane, pickup trucks) eggs are yet another victim of the global plandemic because they are a variable that exists outside of the control of elites. Eggs represent an easy gateway into food production for budding off grid homesteads or curious urban dwellers; anybody can do it. Because of this ease, it must be stopped at all costs. A self sufficient populace is not in the plan.
Tractor Supply Company
But they aren't happy with just blood clots, high prices, a billion bots telling you that eggs are bad, and some twisted science that can't make up its mind about cholesterol. They have to choke eggs off at the source.
Tractor Supply’s board of directors is made up of 10 individuals, including Joy Brown, a former executive for Vanguard,[17] an index fund with $5 trillion under management. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street are among the major index funds that financially support the World Economic Forum.
Another Tractor Supply board member, Thomas Kingsbury,[18] previously bragged about implementing ESG initiatives[19] while working as an executive at Kohl’s.
Board member Andre Hawaux,[20] is a former executive with ConAgra, which has been criticized[21][22] for using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to change the genetic composition of its foods, which some say causes sterility.[23][24]
It's as if these people want you to not have children and then die quietly so that they can worship at the alter of climate change and WEF guidelines.[25][26]
Food For Thought
Who knows how long Youtube will allow this sort of subversive behavior to continue??? BAH, they are all just a bunch of dumb rednecks, so nobody listens to them.
Supply Chain Issues
Is anybody really believing this horseshit anymore?
Environmental, Social, and Governance
Folks at Tractor Supply Company, Pepsico, Monsanto, Conagra, and a billion other companies subscribe to the religion of "ESG." Some of this is because they need to answer to brain dead investors who have latched on to "the current thing." Most of it is because they have to answer to WEF.
ESG is really just a set of rules, handed down from on high, to dictate what should be, according to elites who know better than you do. Eggs and all other forms of protein not on the global warming safe list are to be considered forbidden. Other opinions should be silenced and killed off if necessary.
Eat eggs. Grow chickens. Make your own chicken feed.
The shear amount of references here should tip you off that something rotten is underway, but seeing as how it has been underway for decades, you probably won't dig what I am burying.
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- ↑ In study after study, the effects on fertility were alarming, claim researchers. In one report, the testicles of some animals actually changed colors from a normal pink to an alarming blue after being fed GMO-produced feed. In addition, sperm was shown to be altered, resulting in fewer pregnancies overall. DNA too has shown alterations after ingesting even the smallest amount of GMO foods.
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