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Ketchup On A Hot Dog

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Ketchup On A Hot Dog is an absolutely deplorable practice, reserved for cretins addicted to sweet, sugary slop. An individual who eats ketchup on a hot dog should be avoided at all costs, going so far as to run them over with a hay wagon.

The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council recently came out in disapproval of adults using ketchup on hot dogs. In a guide to hot dog etiquette, the organization decreed that for those 18 years of age and older, acceptable wiener toppings include mustard, relish, onions, cheese and chili.

Further, “You have to grow up sometime,” says council president Janet Riley, a.k.a. "the Queen of Wien."[1] Janet goes on to explain everything in her own video:

Overwhelming Evidence

People are pretty frank about the horror that this pairing creates, perhaps none more so than Chicagoans. “Ketchup on your hot dog is the end of the world,” says Bill Savage.[2]

One of the heads of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs in NYC referred to putting ketchup on a hot dog as a sign of a ‘less sophisticated’ palate.[3]


mmmmm, Ketchup On A Hot Dog is a part of a series on Food
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