Adobo Chuck Roast
Yeah, this is good stuff. Adobo Chuck Roast is a recipe that, seemingly, everybody knows. However, nobody wants to divulge the actual recipe. I see a lot of links all over the place that talk about slow cooking beef or pork using these canned peppers, but most of them are really just anecdotal stories about some family gathering or a history on grandma's secret recipe.
Seriously, just give it up, so I can grill with a clear conscious.
Muh Meat
You have to sear the surface of your chuck roast. Why? Because everybody tells you that you absolutely have to do it, with all meat, all the time. Food just doesn't taste good without the almighty maillard reaction, right?
Meh, I have made this recipe with seared chuck, and without searing the chuck and it gives a really negligible difference. For the purposes of this article, I decided to sear my chuck with a MAPP gas torch, because I am a MANLY MAN.
The Jalapenos
It's not a trick to remove the seeds and membrane of a chili pepper. Removing these things gives you a sweet, smoky flavor with about half the heat of a normal jalapeno pepper. Normies like BallSac do not understand this simple concept.
The Other Shit
Cook It
Set up your crock pot someplace where it won't be messed with. Do this roast on low for 8 hours.
8 Hours Later
After 8 hours in the pot, the meat is fully cooked and ready to eat as is. However, I will be straining out the spent vegetables and reserving the cooking liquids for later. I am going to probably make some sort of sauce with it.
Monkt Tried It
Nothing wrong with that, at all.
Monkt listened to my blathering on IRC and tried this recipe. This is what he did with it:
Monkt 2.0
A few weeks later...
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