I made Chili last night. This isn't the only way I make Chili, it just happens to be the style of Chili I wanted at the time. Of course there are a million ways chili can be made. Hot dog sauce? Beans or no beans? Ground beef or steak or pork? Tomato based or white chili? It goes on and on.
And of course there are people out there that are going to argue that their style of chili is the genuine thing and all other chili recipes are junk. Those people are closed minded and will be discussed no further.
This is not to be confused with Chili Crisp. That stuff is dogshit.
In this batch, I also added a 15 ounce can of tomato sauce to increase the total volume and a quarter cup of Frank's Red Hot© for its vinegary zip. The end result was a mid-spicy chili.
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