Lazy Devilled Eggs
So you like devilled eggs but you are a lazy scumbag? No big deal, buddy! We got you fully covered with this totally slothful recipe called Lazy Devilled Eggs.
Steps For The Indolent
Pictured above is a hard boiled egg. If you are worried that you actually might have to hard boil the egg yourself, implying work, don't worry. You will not have to do this. If you go to any grocery store, you will find pre-hard boiled eggs near the egg section. Just buy those.[1]
Cut the egg in half. You don't have to cut it lengthwise like I did, I won't judge. Yes, there is a small amount of work involved here, but the total work output to make these things is about the same as lifting your finger a couple times.
Find some Dijon mustard.[2] You can use other types of mustard, but this type works best.[3] Put a dollup or two of the Dijon on top of your sliced open egg. There, the work is done.
The only thing left for you to do is shove these things in your pie hole. Probably ought to chew them too, but if you are as lazy as you claim, you can swallow them whole.
- ↑ It will also save you a ridiculous amount of time peeling the things. Imagine the idiots, bent over the sink, trying to pry the shells off of eggs under the running tap water. They could be taking a nap or something. Dumb suckers!
- ↑ You don't put your mustard in the refrigerator do you? Sheesh, and you call yourself lazy.
- ↑ It's got that nice zip of horseradish. But if you want, you can put hot sauce or garlic powder on them.
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