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When I Feel Bad

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Feels bad, man.

This is some real "Chicken Soup For The Soul" bullshit, but as it turns out, this sort of thing works. I have a different name for it though. I call it: "Shit I Do When I Feel Sick, Disgusted, Or Just Plain Bad."

Below, you will find a quick set of steps to make a healthy soup base that always seems to make me feel better.

The Story

Twisted my ankle on some ice the other day. It got all swollen and I generally felt like shit. But you don't need to fuck yourself up to make this stuff. It takes time, but it is retardedly easy to do.


Carrots, onions, celery, radishes, lots of whole garlic cloves, jalapeno peppers, a whole bunch of cilantro, thyme, rosemary, and some bay leaves. Put them all in a stock pot and cover with water, broth, or stock. You can add a bit of white wine if you like.

Broth 3.jpg

Bring it all to a low boil and let it go for as long as it takes to turn everything into mush. Once the vegetables and herbs have given their all, strain the resulting broth a couple of times.

Broth 1.jpg

I had a pack of worn out old mushrooms that I found in the back of the refrigerator. I am not going to eat them, but I do want the nutritional value they will add to the broth. I brought the broth back up to a low simmer and added the mushrooms. I let them steep in the liquid for about ten minutes.

Broth 2.jpg

After the mushrooms, I strained the broth two more times. Added some noodles, and ate it. You can add whatever you like, or drink it straight.

Broth 6.jpg

Other Stuff


You can add a few more things according to your taste. Hot sauce if you like it spicy, or some lime/lemon juice if you want to brighten it up.

Stuff you can try:

  • worcestershire sauce
  • apple cider vinegar
  • nutmeg
  • lime and/or lemon zest
  • horseradish
  • sour cream along with hot sauce
  • butter noodles
  • rice
  • udon noodles
  • spaghetti
  • soy sauce

Other Other Stuff

This broth makes an excellent base for several soups. It is a supercharged vegetable broth and can be a supercharged chicken broth as well, if you start off with chicken stock instead of water.

mmmmm, When I Feel Bad is a part of a series on Food
Click here to open up the recipe book.