The Old Pick Nose And Eat It Switcheroo
The Old Pick Nose And Eat It Switcheroo is a harmless prank[1] that you pull on children just to get them disgusted[2] and then laugh ridiculously. It's like peek-a-boo, schlock horror films, or even taking a Little Debbie Cosmic Brownie[3] out of your pants and eating it while acting like you pooped.[4]
Additionally, you can pull this prank on your co-workers at the bar after hours[5] and they will be amazed...mostly because if you do it fast enough, they won't see the finger transition. The next day, they will text everybody else about how much of a foul creep you are, adding to your mystique.
I have scoured the internet trying to find other people out there that know this trick, but the art seems to be lost to the ages...even if the ages are only 3 decades ago. It is a wonderful dad joke. It also makes mom be disgusted, even though she knows it is funny. It is a trick to freak your kids out when they are young enough to still believe you without question.
First off, a discussion must be had about the differences between fingers. If you don't know what your index finger is, you may end up eating boogers.
Your pointer finger should be self explanatory:
It's the finger most people point at things with.
Your index finger is the one you normally expose when you are pissed off in traffic.
To perform this joke, it is highly recommended that you know the difference.
Step 1: Exclaim to your six year old child (or dimwitted co-worker) that you have a booger that is being a bit troublesome and is bothering you to no end.[6]
Step 2: Loudly tell everybody that, despite blowing into tissues, this booger will not exit.
Step 3: Insert your pointer finger into the offending nostril. Dig around for a few seconds so that everybody knows that you are visibly picking your nose.
Step 4: Remove your pointer finger from your nose. Look at it closely and try to act like it is totally disgusting.
Step 5: Insert your index finger into your mouth and act like it is the greatest thing you have ever tasted.
Step 6: Watch as everybody who did not witness the switcheroo are totally disgusted and have to re-shape their opinions on you.
See? You have faked everybody out. By licking your middle finger, you do not contaminate yourself with boogers because originally, you picked your nose with your pointer finger. Classic joke.
- Don't be a moron and forget which finger you are doing your work with.
- Handwashing is recommended as well.[7]
- Make sure everybody is looking when you pull this switcheroo. If only one guy (or child) is looking, nobody will believe them.
- It is always best to have no real boogers present. Real boogers tend to complicate things.
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- ↑ Not to be confused with the "Pick Butt" trick that may be explained later.
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