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La Fin du Monde

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La Fin du Monde, a rich and sophisticated golden Tripel[1] from Unibroue,[2] has earned several international titles thanks to its refined taste marked by notes of grains, fruit and spice, supported by a slight bitterness. It is a tribute to Quebec, the land encountered by 16th-century French explorers who thought they'd reached the end of the world.

That's all well and good, but the real reason why this beer is featured here on this blog is because it has a 9% ABV.[3]

A bottle or two of this stuff will make the night interesting.

My Experience


Evidently, Unibroue is now selling this stuff in aluminum cans.[4] I have never had one, but if they do it right (they never do), it will be great. My experience is with the 750ml cork topped bottle.[5] My impression of that bottle was "this beer is incredible." So yeah, that is the extent of my experience. I have gone back and tried the beer several times. I must say, again, that the attraction to this beer is the ABV.


Quote.png As of 2016, this beer has earned more medals and awards, including some of the world's highest honors, than any other Canadian beer.[6] Quote1.png

The beer industry seems to have a billion awards for everything. If you win a tasting contest at a local town's "brew-fest," sites like BeerAdvocate will tack some sort of award on your brew. It's a silly practice, but hey, it helps craft brewers get their name out there...and they can also add an award logo on their bottles of beer.



La Fin du Monde is made by a company called Unibroue. They started brewing in 1990 or so, and despite the fact that the company was owned by Canadians, they managed to do something right. The company is owned by Sapporo now, which explains the switch from glass bottles to aluminum cans. Anyway, they make 3 other really good beers:

I have tried these ones in their original cork topped bottle and have enjoyed them. I cannot vouch for the cans. Beers made this way need to be in a transparent vessel, it just seems right that way.


In case you want to find out about this beer and don't believe me, here are some links for you to check out:

By the way, I do not understand why anybody calls La Fin du Monde a "craft beer." It isn't, and it has always been mass produced. I guess that because it is "bottle conditioned" people think some guy in a shed with a vat of hops produces it.


  1. No idea what this even means, but the beer tastes good.
  2. https://www.unibroue.com/en-us/beers/classics/la-fin-du-monde
  3. Alcohol by volume
  4. gross.
  5. https://www.premiergourmet.com/unibroue-la-fin-du-monde-750-ml-bottle-772285051113.html
  6. This quote is from wikipedia, but the link they used in their article is a dead link at the Unibroue website.
mmmmm, La Fin du Monde is a part of a series on Food
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