The WHOPPER is a sandwich made by the Burger King company. They are so proud of the sandwich, they made a particularly annoying advertisement for it. WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER is the current meme going around, but why is there an article about this?
Well, because of the circumstances that occurred on the evening of January 2nd, 2023, where a string of events led to WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER becoming a meme of infamy.
Football player, Damar Hamlin, is gravely injured. The network has no idea what to do, but can't just keep the cameras trained on the shocking events, so they cut to a commercial...
The Accident
Another angle:
Original Commercial
And this is the particular commercial they ran:
Alternate (Satire) Commercial
Almost immediately, Commotio Cordis was spun as the explanation for Damar's sudden injury. However, as of this writing, Damar is not dead and is in UC Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Commotio Cordis refers to the sudden arrhythmic death caused by a low/mild chest wall impact. Commotio Cordis is seen mostly in athletes between the ages of 8 and 18 who are partaking in sports with projectiles such as baseballs, hockey pucks, or lacrosse balls. These projectiles can strike the athletes in the middle of the chest with a low impact but enough to cause the heart to enter an arrhythmia.[1]
I guess the are going to have to change the definition of the medical term. Damar's current status is listed as critical, but hey, he ain't dead.[2][3]
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