Chili Crisp
I don't care how good this slop tastes, just watching all the shills on youtube pushing it makes me completely KNOW that it is garbage.
Even worse, everybody foisting this sewage food on us looks like a broccoli-haired zoomer with a mush mouth full of chipped and broken teef. You cannot find a bad word about this red looking discharge of a condiment on the whole internet... This obviously means it is inherently bad for you on a cellular level.
On top of that, a 6 ounce jar of it costs around 20 bucks. More evidence against the hipster cooks that are deceiving the normie cooks who crave something different at home. It's just onions, garlic, mushrooms, and a "secret blend of spices." Why would that cost so much? Oh yeah, the sucker born every minute thing...
Sounds like your average bottle of cheap salad dressing to me.
If you haven't tried chili crisp before, you've probably at least heard of it. Over the past few years, the spicy, crunchy Chinese condiment has become increasingly popular in the U.S. Chili crisp is a blend of dried chilis and oil that can include garlic, dried shallots, sesame seeds, peanuts, and salt or MSG. The result is a tingly, textural, multi-flavor experience that keeps you coming back for more.
...and a bunch of other horseshit.
Yeah, like I am gonna post links to this pasty effluent.
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