Canadian Wildfires of 2023
Anonymous 04:31, 10 March 2025 (EDT) |
It looks like you are attempting to write a hairbrained, tinfoil hat article once again, but it is really lacking in the hairbrained, tinfoil sources. Would you like some help? |
Yet another ploy to kill us all, the man-made Canadian Wildfires of 2023 have caused smog, smoke, and poor air conditions for most of the Midwest and eastern seaboard.
As of June 27, there are 480 active fires across the country, with 251 out of control and 152 under control, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre. Officials on Tuesday reported the highest number of active fires in Quebec. British Columbia, along Canada's west coast, had the second-highest number of active blazes followed by Alberta and Ontario.
Surprisingly, there are almost NO images of these fires burning. The only thing you can find in abundance is photos of the smoke and smog over metropolitan areas.
The Game Being Played
Like COVID, this has many tentacles of evil intent. One obvious one being: Back to mask wearing. And since the smog/smoke is flowing west to the eastern seaboard, better double mask, you abundant New Yorkers.
The second obvious tentacle is: Nasty Global Warming.
Finally, lettuce not forget that smoke is a carcinogen no matter the source...just like the stuff they dumped on East Palestine, Ohio.
Some Quotes
More Tinfoil
Not saying this guy is an expert or anything. In fact, he kinda comes off as dumb. However, he is asking some very good questions.
Bonus Tinfoil: fires were started where prospects have shown there's good densities of precious minerals/metals. Every single one of them.
In the following video, Anon shows satellite imagery over a time line. At first viewing, the video appears to be just a huge mess of clouds and atmospheric disturbance. However, upon closer viewing of the center of the video, you can see several plumes of smoke occur. These plumes appear to begin at roughly the same time. You must ask yourself "How is it that over 20 fires happened all at once?"
Im glad someone said it. The reality of terrorism is eco terrorists cause the most deaths and finacial loss then any other domestic terrorist group. Between the food plant arsons, the train derailments and the forest fires arson (who were caught) i believe there is some coordinated efforts going on to attack North America