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Carl Sagan

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Carl Sagan used to be considered as a "nice guy."[1] These days, he is a villain. Why were we lied to so much?

Quote.png "i like it weishaupt, never really a huge Sagan fan" - BallSac Quote1.png


Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996) played a leading role in the American space program from its very beginning.[2] He was a consultant and adviser to NASA beginning in the 1950s. He briefed the Apollo astronauts before their flights to the Moon.[3]

Carl was often described as "the scientist who made the Universe clearer to the ordinary person."[4] He helped to popularize science[5] through the writing of hundreds of articles and over two dozen books. He won a Pulitzer Prize[6] in 1975 for his book "The Dragons of Eden." His television series "Cosmos" was one of the most watched shows in public television history. It was seen by more than 500 million people in 60 different countries.


  • Sagan falsely claimed that the Bible says the Earth is flat.
  • He falsely claimed that no Catholic saint ever opposed executing heretics. Two are on record, that did: St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Martin of Tours.
  • He falsely claimed that in the Book of Genesis, God forbids Adam and Eve to have sexual intercourse with each other.
  • He said that Ronald Reagan claimed to have helped liberate a Nazi concentration camp.
  • Perhaps his biggest lie was his claim that we should generously fund SETI, because aliens from outer space may send us a message that will tell us how to avoid nuclear war.


  1. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-carl-sagan-truly-irreplaceable-180949818/
  2. Meaning he was instrumental in the huge lie the American public was subjected to during the NASA years.
  3. LMFAO
  4. Because we needed to sell a ham sandwich to dimwits who need to pay more taxes.
  5. lol science. We all know that "science" is funded by big corporations that want you dead...once you have given them all your money.
  6. Kindergarten level popularity contest where "geniuses" wank each other off while huffing their own farts.
Carl Sagan is part of a series that involves THE SCIENCE
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