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The Science

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Quote.png The willful idiocy of NPCs is what enables the wicked to wield power. A traitor is always worse than the enemy. Quote1.png

If you don't remember this guy, stop reading.

The Science,[1] as opposed to "Science," is a tool and tactic used by those in power to promote division, depression, anxiety, and other negative effects upon political, economic, or religious enemies. Basically, if somebody is profiting off of some mumbo-jumbo, and the media is telling you to buy that mumbo-jumbo, it is very bad for you.

The Science[2] became well known during the 2020 Covid-19 plandemic, because of the strife and mistrust over the Coronavirus vaccine being foisted upon an unwitting public. This is not to say that the plandemic was the originator of The Science,[3] but, as a strategy, it was greatly accelerated.

Why Can't You Just Do What You're Told?

Science guys.jpg

The world used to be a place where a person was previously called a conspiracy theorist for not trusting sciences, governments, and other authority figures. They were told to "wear their tin foil hat," because it was obvious that their skulls were being fried by government controlled brain rays in order to be rid of them.

However, those conspiracy theorists seem to have outsmarted those that wish to destroy them. Or, they were incredibly lucky. A thing that The Science cannot abide.[4] The Science has been used to destroy countries, kingdoms, corporations, and even people if they are foolish enough too get in the way.

Why Don't You Trust It?

Quote.png Designed and deployed in under 12 months? For a virus that really only impacts old , sick and unhealthy people? Why force it on the rest who have a 98.5% chance of survival? It was a total over reaction and should be seen as a crime against humanity. Quote1.png

Common sense, mistrust, and a deep understanding of just what those in power are capable of doing. While this is a quite simple explanation of the mistrust, it is also the most succinct. Usually, the simplest answer is the correct answer. Many people could see through the horseshit, mostly because they have been subject to similar horseshit in the past. Blah Blah Blah, and history repeats itself.

Quote.png From the beginning, public health experts in the highest echelons of government have played politics with their messaging, rather than fulfilling their role as purveyors of information and facts. As lawmakers delegated policymaking to white-coat experts, the status of such experts was politicized during a time when accurate and dispassionate facts are more needed than ever. 

It began early in the pandemic, when Dr. Anthony Fauci famously crafted the noble lie that masks were unnecessary — a lie concocted to protect against a run on much needed medical supplies. However, even noble lies erode credibility and foster disdain for those who utter them — and his fib about the efficacy of masks wasn’t his only attempt at leveraging his reputational largess to manipulate the masses. 

His estimation of what percentage of Americans would need to receive the vaccine to induce herd immunity was similarly crafted to incentivize behaviors rather than inform the populace. In a New York Times interview, Dr. Fauci admitted that the number he provided was chosen with the intention of encouraging vaccination, rather than being based on some epidemiological reasoning. Likewise, his recent suggestion that the U.S. might soon consider vaccine requirements for air travel was based not on factual data regarding the transmission of the virus on airplanes, but on the notion that making life further inconvenient for the unvaccinated might produce his preferred social outcome.[5] Quote1.png

The Soyence[6]

Quote.png Soyence, is the de-facto religion of North America and Western Europe.[7] Quote1.png

Research shows...

They always say research shows, but they never show the research. This is likely because the studies are using dubious methods that are not replicable, make basic statistical errors, use small highly filtered populations, etc.

The key to understanding the soyence cult is to recognize that its origins are people confusing journalism for science. You can see fingerprints of this in how soyence cultists behave. For example when debating the validity of a claim, they demand to know who it came from rather than the methodology used. Anonymous and pseudonymous sources are possible (and historically prevalent) in science because scientific validity is based on the methodology used by the author, not the identity of the author. In soyence however it's all about identity, something by an anonymous or pseudonymous source would be dismissed as not a real source even if their methodology is stated. This is because the syence cult are not using scientific standards, they are using journalistic standards. Journalism is not empirical so you can't rely on methodology and repeatability to validate claims, all you have to go on is he-said she-said, and thus the reputation of the author is everything and thus everything becomes about the identity of the author.

Once you realize that soyence has its origins in midwits, backed by NPCs, confusing journalistic standards for scientific standards so much of the modern world makes sense.

Examples Of The Science

The best spokesperson in the world for your deadly product!
Ident science.jpg
The science math.png

this section is notes for further study unlike the section below that is news articles for further study.

Much of The Science is actually the popular culture of it's time.[8]

  • The Food Pyramid - In the 1970s, the U.S. started to notice that obesity was on the rise and decided to do something about it. But, the USDA, the governing force behind the food pyramid, let lobbyists and politicians with their own agendas dictate the standard, and a long history of problematic dietary guidelines was then born. But seriously, who thought 11 servings of grains per day was a good idea?
  • Fluoride in drinking water supplies and toothpaste? - This entry could have a whole page of its own, but I am lazy. Anyways, Alcoa, and other aluminum companies, were having trouble getting rid of toxic waste from their industrial processes and sold America on fluoridation of water. They are selling toxic waste to you so they don't have to spend money getting rid of it.[9][10]
  • Seed oils - It is no wonder that heart attacks and heart disease spiked right around the time when Crisco became a popular cooking oil. In 1961, suddenly, saturated fats caught the blame and were taken out of the human diet, causing further health issues.[11][12][13][14]
  • Seed Oil Extraction - Hexane (C6H14) is a hydrocarbon extracted from crude oil. In fact, hexane is similar to the gasoline we put in our cars; it’s just a slightly lighter molecule made of six carbon chains—compared to octane’s eight. Classified as a hazardous air pollutant under the Clean Air Act, hexane falls under the regulation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).[15]
  • A Frank Statement To Cigarette Smokers - Recent reports on experiments with mice have given wide publicity to the theory that cigarette smoking is in some way linked with lung cancer in human beings. Although conducted by doctors of professional standing, these experiments are not regarded as conclusive in the field of cancer research. However, we do not believe that any serious medical research, even though its results are inconclusive, should be disregarded or lightly dismissed.[16]
  • butter
  • pork
  • lead as a sweetener
  • radium/radiathor
  • lobotomies
  • tapeworms
  • children taken away from parents for vaccine refusal
  • water quality
  • water quality vs vaccines
  • modern medicine
  • hot pokers for hemorrhoids
  • syphilis cure for malaria


Quote.png Yet the science says so, and people pretend like it's absolute fact until the financiers of science decide it's time to change the narrative again. Quote1.png

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For Study


The Science is part of a series that involves THE SCIENCE