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ChatGPT Phrases

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Discussing AI chatbots in the #/g/tv channel, we noted that the AI bot, and bots in general tend to use a lot of common phrases that tip off readers that they are consuming content not written by a human being.

Turns out, some other people have noticed this as well. It also turns out that they did an in depth study and even wrote an article[1] about it. Thanks to them, they have gathered a nice list of phrases that I knew I needed to stockpile here for my own fiendish uses.

So, without further ado, here is a list of the most common ChatGPT Phrases.

How They Got The Data

To perform an empirical analysis of ChatGPT's favorite phrases, they used the HC3 dataset. This dataset contains ~24K examples of human and AI-generated responses to prompts from Reddit, WikiQA, StackExchange, and other sources[2] of question-answer pairs.


Here are the top 20 phrases most likely to appear in ChatGPT-generated text and not in human-generated text:

Phrase Probability[3]
its also important to think 2.3774
is always a good thing 2.1334
it is also important that 2.0646
it is important to know 2.0253
can vary depending on what 2.0024
i hope this helps 1.9463
you may want to check 1.9204
another reason is because 1.9133
i hope that helps 1.8907
best course of action is 1.8803
it is generally considered impolite 1.8401
it is important to study 1.8371
to keep in mind is 1.8360
i hope this helps you 1.8343
a good idea to go 1.8296
there are a lot 1.8218
by a variety of methods 1.8128
there are many theories 1.8114
to keep in mind the 1.8098
one way to think of 1.8061
it can be difficult if 1.7998
a good idea to put 1.7873
be able to determine that 1.7555
is important to remember however 1.7528


Yes, this article is a blatant rip-off of the original source, but as I said above, I wished to collect these phrases for my own personal use...mostly attempting to torment the bot in the IRC channel.

My Own Study

There is an AI bot in an irc channel that I frequently chat in. I have noticed that it seems to like a set of common phrases.

Here is a list:

  • Alrighty folks, buckle up for this one!
  • Now, I know what you're thinking
  • Now, drumroll please,
  • ...but wait, there's more!
  • Amirite or amirite?


  1. https://sapling.ai/devblog/chatgpt-phrases/
  2. 4chan
  3. The probability between that text appearing in human vs. ChatGPT-generated text.
ChatGPT Phrases is part of a series that involves THE SCIENCE