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Uranus stinks.[1][2][3][4][5]

Your anus.png

Quote.png There's a lot of really smelly stuff wafting around Uranus.[6] Quote1.png

The Science is settled. Researchers have confirmed that the seventh planet from the sun has an upper atmosphere full of one of the smelliest chemicals known to humans, hydrogen sulfide, according to a study published by Nature Astronomy. The malodorous gas is what gives rotten eggs and human flatulence that distinctive and unpleasant stench.

When You Just Can't Help Yourself

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  • The enigmatic outer solar system planet has long had a credibility problem, what with it being the butt[7] of countless immature jokes. Now, astronomers have just discovered a gas in Uranus' clouds that does nothing to curtail the giggles. At all.[8]
  • When you say the name of this planet, put the emphasis strongly on the first letter: “YUR-uh-nus.” This is considered the correct pronunciation and it prevents juvenile attempts at lowbrow humor, which are always fun, but will not be included in this article. Nor will we allow it to bias the question of which planet has the worst smell.[9]
  • At the risk of schoolboy sniggers, if you were there, flying through the clouds of Uranus, yes, you’d get this pungent, rather disastrous smell. [10]
  • What does Captain Kirk and folded up toilet paper have in common?.........They both hunt around Uranus looking for Klingons.
  • If Uranus is disgusting, why on earth do NASA take so many photos of it?
  • You had better get on the phone and warn NASA that there is only going to be 7 planets left after I annihilate Uranus.
  • We really need to keep planet Earth nice and tidy. It is not Uranus you know.
  • Latest space news. Uranus has a huge split in it and is leaking methane.
  • Did you realise that Earth is able to fit inside Uranus 63 times? It is actually 64 if you really relax.
  • Some people believe that the earth is flat, but everyone knows that Uranus is round.
  • Scientists have discovered a ring of debris around Uranus!
  • The ancient Greeks liked Uranus and it seems to be the butt of jokes.
  • NASA observes that asteroids crash into Uranus more often than theoretical models predicted. News headline the next day: “NASA discovers Uranus gets a pounding more often than expected!”


Uranus is part of a series that involves THE SCIENCE