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His kitchen is quite small.

Self Serving Skillet is a youtube cooking channel.[1] In May of 2022, for some reason, the youtube/google algorithm suddenly started featuring the channel to quite a lot of people. The channel experienced a huge upswing of subscribers, going from around 1,000 in early May to over 38,000 by late June. Why? Because google said so.


It is because the channel is actually a quite wholesome, if squalid, experience, where Curtis tries to show viewers how to "cook for one." Even if he is successful in this task, you still get a very grubby feel during the videos as Curtis seems to be living in a tiny apartment.


I may sound like I am shitting on Carl and his Self Serving Skillet channel, but I am not. I'm just picking on him for trivial bullshit and I'm sure he can take it. So shut up, pussies.


The format is pretty simple.

He doesn't give a shit, and that may be why the channel is great.

Look, I am no chef. In fact, I tend to cook by the seat of my pants. However, I have sanitation standards, and I was taught to "clean while I cook." This guy doesn't. When I say Curtis doesn't give a shit, he really doesn't...

  • He leaves half a bag of potatoes on the floor and kinda kicks around them for the duration of the video.
  • He mangles onions when he chops them. Seriously, his knife skills can be labeled as "well, at least he didn't cut off his index finger."
  • He dumps boiling water on the floor when he is transferring liquids.
  • He licks utensils and then sticks them back in the pot. Everybody does this, but nobody will show it on a cooking video.
  • He slops ingredients all over the place when he stirs food, aggressively.
  • He uses steel tongs to stir food in a seasoned cast iron pan. His videos have an intro where he seasons a pan with lard, but then he destroys that layer of seasoning by scraping steel over the surface. And this isn't a one time thing.
  • He cooks with out of date ingredients, over ripe fruit, and vegetables that you might not want to use.
  • He misses his mouth with food that he is tasting. Calm down, Carl.


Slopping milk around...

The place where he films his videos[2] is a kitchen so tiny that he has to move his stove, chef shelf, cupboards, and counter tops around to properly show you his cooking. Every video has a different camera angle, but it is always the same tiny kitchen. He just drags his kitchen furniture around.

Carl often mentions a roommate. During his "1,000 subscriber" video, he reveals that his roommate is his 11 year old daughter.[3] This reveal makes me like the guy more because it is obvious that he is struggling. It is also obvious that he loves his child quite a bit. Even though it is not said during the video, it is implied that the person filming it is his child.

Setting Upgrade

A literal palace compared to the old digs.

In 2021, Curtis upgraded his living space.[4] The new kitchen is still cramped, but he now has a microwave and a dishwasher. Both things that he has gone years without. Don't worry, he still chugs down some beer in the middle of his recipe.

Quote.png Aww- I loved your old kitchen- impressive! But I am happy you have a new place and lol we already know you can cook anywhere!! TY TY TY for keeping the sexy man clean up at the end!! Your signature move 😊 I am team GAS hate the electric stove top kinda girl. Quote1.png


Carl takes his coffee at 130 degrees Fahrenheit. He makes a point of mentioning it several times. I have no idea what he puts in it. Maybe some home made ricotta cheese?


  1. https://www.youtube.com/c/SelfServingSkillet
  2. a shitty, small apartment in Minneapolis that still has a boiler for heat... check out the radiator in his kitchen.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jHmn8KyZTU
  4. I really should check up on him more often.
mmmmm, Self Serving Skillet is a part of a series on Food

Baked Eggs | Clam Dip | A 75 Dollar Meal In Japan | Chef Jean Pierre | Breakfast | You Must Eat All The Eggs | Spider Goulash | Watermelon | Moleasses | Fresh Salsa | Cigarettes | Lunch | Homemade BBQ Sauce | Ramen | Brunch | Smokes | Dinner | Supper | Afternoon Tea | Doritos Ingredients | Late Night Snack | So Hi | 9 Pounds Of Onions | Hot Sauce | Microwave Oven | Blue Moon | Tomato Soup | The Destruction Of Food Processing Facilities | Rejected Mountain Dew Flavors | Self Serving Skillet | RC Cola | Poppers | Cheese Spread | Sushi | The Scoville UNIT | Burger | Brussels Sprouts | Justin Wilson | Pesto | The Waffle House Index | Pickled Garlic | The Tennis Racket | WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER | The War On Eggs | Cereals That Are Gone | Ketchup On A Hot Dog | Stainless Steel And Garlic | Red Bull Inn | Mustard | La Choy | KFC Firelog | Domicopter | Chili Crisp | Zah | Adobo Chuck Roast | The Old Pick Nose And Eat It Switcheroo | Resiniferatoxin | La Fin du Monde | Coffee | Frank's Red Hot© | Omelette Man | Vegan | Chinese Restaurant Syndrome | Chili | Cheeses | Sausages | Chicken And Noodles | GWEET | Superman Imitation Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread | Big Brussel Sprouts | Prime Rib | Chowder | When I Feel Bad | Trout | Maytag Blue Cheese | Lazy Devilled Eggs

Self Serving Skillet is a part of a series on fucked up Videos
(mostly found on youtube)
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