San-nakji (also known as Sannakji and Idiot Food) is a Korean style Sashimi dish that consists of dead raw octopus, chopped and traditionally served drizzled with sesame oil. It is served instantly after chopping when pieces that are still in motion. Served while the octopus tentacles are still wriggling, the food poses a safety risk and people are advised to cut it into smaller pieces and chew thoroughly before swallowing. Why is this dish a "thing?"
Because being cool in front of your shitty friends is cool.
If you're a stickler[1] for fresh sushI, this dish is gripping! [2] San-nakji appears on many menus as a meal or late-night snack in Korea. What this means is that it is mostly eaten by people who have just left the bar, drunk as fuck, hungry, and stupid enough to be bullied by their drunken friends into eating it.
Observations on social media lead smarter individuals to think that "adventurous people" wish to try this dish because they are bold, intrepid, and brave.
All of them look like total douche-bags.
for the article [3]
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