Edgelord is in the dictionary now,[1][2][3] so it's a real thing.
This is a limited list of examples.[4] There will be many Edgelords that will be in two or several of the examples below:
- Cyclists
- People with too many bumper stickers
- Activists
- People who believe in the healing power of crystals
- Alternative medicine users
- Terrorists
- That guy with one pinky nail painted black
- Cutters
- Cultists and cult members (Cult leaders are NOT Edgelords)
- Feminists
- Vegans
- Wiki editors/owners
- People who put those big plastic eyelashes on the headlights of their car
- Antifa Members
- Discord Users
- IRC Users
- Internet Users
- Journalists
- Doctors
- People with tattoos on their face
- People with tattoos on their genitals
- Wiccans
- Freegans
- People who read horoscopes
- Karen
- Klean Keto dieters
- The French
- Anybody on TikTok
- Occultists
- That really old guy on a Harley
- You
- Sean Penn
- LGBTQ people
- Soccer fans
- IRL Witches
- People who call Soccer "Football"
- Vegetarians
- Hollywood/Stars/Celebrities
- Politicians of every kind
- Research Scientists
- OnlyFans camwhores
- Mass shooters
- Gun Control Freaks
- Serial Killers
- Off Gridders
- Joe Buck
- Muggers
- Cosplay people
- Middle Management
Because they crave validation.
- ↑ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/edgelord
- ↑ https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/edgelord/
- ↑ https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/edgelord
- ↑ That will become larger over time.
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