Collective Nouns
I noticed some people arguing about the various groups of animals and somebody told me that a shrewdness of apes was an actual thing. Of course, I knew of some of the more talked about groupings like "a murder of crows," and a "pod of whales." Yet I was intrigued, so I stole the code from TOW[1] and added it for my own amusement.
- aerie (or eyrie) of eagles
- aerie of hawks
- ambush of tigers
- ambush of widows
- archipelago of islands
- argument of architects
- argument of wizards
- argumentation of historians
- armada of ships
- army of ants
- army of caterpillars
- army of eagles
- army of frogs
- army of herrings
- array of hedgehogs
- arsenal of guns
- ascension of larks
- assembly of clergy
- aurora of polar bears
- badelynge of ducks (on the ground)
- bag of game
- bale of turtles
- band of coyotes
- band of gorillas
- band of jays
- band of men
- band of musicians
- bank of batteries
- bank of circuits
- bank of monitors
- bank of lifts/elevators
- banner of knights
- barrel of monkeys
- barren of mules
- bask of crocodiles
- basket of plums
- batch of bread
- battery of artillery
- battery of barracuda
- battery of guns
- bazaar of guillemots
- bed of clams
- bed of flowers
- bed of oysters
- bed of snakes
- bellowing of bullfinches
- belt of asteroids
- bench of bishops
- bench of judges
- bench of magistrates
- bevy of beauties
- bevy of deer (roe deer)
- bevy of doves
- bevy of ladies
- bevy of larks
- bevy of maidens
- bevy of otters
- bevy of quail
- bevy of roe deer
- bevy of swans
- bew of partridges
- bill of ruffs
- bind of eels
- bind of salmon
- bits of information
- blessing of unicorns
- bloat of hippopotami
- blush of boys
- board of directors
- bob of seals
- boil of hawks
- boll of flour
- bond of women
- book of wagers
- bouquet of flowers
- bouquet of pheasants (when flushed)
- brace of bucks
- brace of ducks (a pair)
- brace of grouse
- brace of pheasants (a pair)
- branch of Mormons (Latter-day Saints)
- brew of beer
- brigade of soldiers
- brood of chickens
- brood of chicks
- brood of grouse (single family)
- brood of hens
- brood of turkeys (young)
- bubble of divers
- budget of papers
- building of rooks
- bunch of bananas
- bunch of grapes
- bunch of seals
- bunch of pigeons
- bundle of asparagus
- bury of conies
- bury of rabbits
- business of ferrets
- business of flies
- cache of jewels
- cache of weapons
- canteen of cutlery
- caravan of camels
- cartload of chimpanzees
- cartload of monkeys
- cast of actors
- cast of falcons
- cast of hawks
- caste of flower-pots
- catch of collective nouns
- cavalcade of horsemen
- celebration of polar bears
- cete of badgers
- chain of bobolinks
- chain of events
- chain of islands
- chain of matches
- charm of finches
- charm of fairies
- charm of goldfinches
- charm of hummingbirds
- chatter of budgerigars
- chattering of chicks
- chattering of choughs
- chattering of goldfinches
- chest of drawers
- chine of polecats
- choir of angels
- chorus of angels
- circus of puffins
- clamour of rooks
- clan of hyenas
- clash of bucks
- clashing of economists
- class of students
- clattering of choughs
- clew of worms
- clique of people/friends
- cloud of gnats
- cloud of grasshoppers
- cloud of sea fowl
- clowder of cats
- cluck of chickens
- clump of reeds
- clump of trees
- cluster of bombs
- cluster of cats
- cluster of computers
- cluster of grapes
- cluster of grasshoppers
- cluster of spiders
- cluster of stars
- clutch of chicks
- clutch of eggs
- clutch of motorcyclists
- clutter of cats
- clutter of spiders
- clutter of starlings
- coalition of cheetahs
- codex of classicists
- coil of wigeon
- colony of ants
- colony of badgers
- colony of bats
- colony of beavers
- colony of frogs
- colony of fungus
- colony of gulls
- colony of lepers
- colony of penguins
- colony of puffins (on land)
- colony of rabbits
- colony of rats
- colony of seals
- colony of vultures
- commonwealth of bees
- communion of saints
- community of people
- company of actors
- company of moles
- company of parrots
- company of soldiers
- company of wigeon
- confab of doctors
- conflagration of arsonists
- confraternity of smokers
- confusion of architects
- congregation of alligators
- congregation of birds
- congregation of crocodiles
- congregation of people
- congregation of plovers
- congregation of worshippers
- congress of baboons
- congress of Esperantists
- conspiracy of ravens
- constellation of stars
- constellation of Esperantists
- converting of preachers
- convocation of eagles
- convocation of clergy
- convoy of lorries
- convoy of trucks
- copse of trees
- cornucopia of slugs
- corps of giraffes
- cortege of mourners
- cost of managers
- cote of doves
- coterie of prairie dogs
- coven of witches
- cover of coots
- covert of coots
- covey of grouse
- covey of partridges
- covey of pheasants (on the ground)
- covey of ptarmigans
- covey of quail
- covey of woodcock
- cowardice of curs
- cran of herrings
- crash of hippopotami (hippos)
- crash of rhinoceri (rhinos)
- crash of seals
- creche of penguins
- crew of sailors
- crowd of onlookers
- crowd of people
- cry of dogs
- cry of hounds
- culture of bacteria
- death row of turkeys
- deceit of lapwings
- deck of sailors
- den of thieves
- descent of relatives
- descent of woodpeckers
- desert of lapwings
- destruction of cats (feral)
- dicker of hides
- disguising of tailors
- dissimulation of birds
- diving of teal
- division of soldiers
- doading of sheldrakes
- dole of doves
- dole of turtles
- dopping of ducks (diving)
- dopping of sheldrakes
- dout of cats (house cats)
- down of hares
- down of rabbits
- down of sheep
- doyft of swine
- draft of soldiers
- draught of butlers
- draught of fish
- dray of squirrels
- drift of bees
- drift of boars (herded)
- drift of hogs
- drift of swans (on water)
- drift of swine
- dropping of pigeons
- drove of asses
- drove of bullocks
- drove of cattle
- drove of donkeys
- drove of goats
- drove of hares
- drove of oxen
- drove of pigs
- drove of rabbits
- drove of sheep
- drum of goldfinches
- dule of doves
- dule of turkeys
- dule of turtles
- durante of toucans
- earth of foxes
- eleven of cricketers
- eleven of footballers
- embarrassment of riches
- equivocation of politicians
- erst of bees
- escargatoire of snails
- exaltation of larks
- faculty of academics
- faggot of sticks
- fall of lambs
- fall of woodcock
- family of beavers
- family of otter
- farrow of pigs (piglets)
- fellowship of yeomen
- fesnying of ferrets
- fesnyng of ferrets
- festival of balloons
- fesynes of pheasants
- fidget of altar boys
- field of racehorses
- field of runners
- fine of parking wardens
- fitting of sails
- fixie of hipsters
- flange of baboons
- flap of nuns
- fleet of bass
- fleet of boats
- fleet of cars
- fleet of ducklings
- fleet of foxes
- fleet of lorries
- fleet of ships
- fleet of vessels
- fleet of trucks
- fleet of vehicles
- flick of rabbits
- flight of aeroplanes
- flight of bees
- flight of birds
- flight of cormorants
- flight of doves
- flight of dragons
- flight of goshawks
- flight of pigeons
- flight of stairs
- flight of steps
- flight of swallows
- fling of dunlins
- fling of oxbirds
- fling of sandpipers
- flink of cows
- float of crocodiles
- flock of birds
- flock of bustards
- flock of camels
- flock of chickens
- flock of ducks
- flock of geese
- flock of goats
- flock of parrots
- flock of pigeons
- flock of seagulls
- flock of sheep
- flock of swifts
- flock of tourists
- flock of turkeys
- flotilla of boats
- flotilla of swordfish
- flourish of strumpets
- flush of ducks (brood)
- flush of mallards (on land)
- fluther of jellyfish
- flutter of flags
- fold of cattle
- fold of sheep
- fraunch of millers
- fun of fish
- gaggle of geese (on the ground)
- gaggle of (military) officers
- galaxy of starlets
- gam of whales
- gang of elk
- gang of hoodlums
- gang of labourers
- gang of slaves
- gang of thieves
- garrison of gophers
- garland of sonnets
- gathering of clans
- gatling of woodpeckers
- gaze of raccoons
- generation of vipers
- giggle of girls
- glaring of cats
- gleam of herrings
- glide of flying fish
- glint of goldfish
- glitter of generals
- glory of unicorns
- grist of bees
- group of guinea pigs
- group of islands
- group of people
- grove of trees
- gulp of cormorants
- hand of bananas
- haras of horses
- harem of seals
- haul of fish
- head of curlews
- heap of trash
- heard of harlots
- hedge of herons
- herd of antelope
- herd of asses
- herd of boar
- herd of buffalo
- herd of buffaloes
- herd of caribou
- herd of cattle
- herd of chamois
- herd of chinchillas
- herd of cows
- herd of cranes
- herd of deer
- herd of donkeys
- herd of elephants
- herd of elk
- herd of fairies
- herd of giraffes (tower)
- herd of gnus (paper)
- herd of goats (caper)
- herd of hippopotami
- herd of horses
- herd of llamas
- herd of moose
- herd of oxen
- herd of pigs
- herd of ponies
- herd of sea horses
- herd of seals
- herd of swans
- herd of swine
- herd of walruses
- herd of whales
- herd of wolves
- herd of wrens
- herd of yaks (conversation)
- herd of zebras (crossing)
- hill of beans
- hill of ruffs
- hive of bees
- holiness of donuts
- horde of gerbils
- horde of gnats (itching)
- horde of hamsters
- horde of mice
- horde of rats
- horde of savages
- host of angels
- host of sparrows
- house of senators
- hover of crows
- hover of trout
- huddle of lawyers
- huddle of penguins
- hurtle of sheep
- husk of hares
- husk of rabbits
- hunt of hounds
- illusion of painters
- implausibility of gnus
- index of names
- infestation of bed bugs
- intrusion of cockroaches
- invention of machines
- kaleidoscope of butterflies
- kendle of kittens
- kennel of dogs
- kettle of hawks
- kingdom of rats
- kindle of kittens
- kine of cattle
- knab of toads
- knob of seals
- knob of teal
- knob of wigeon
- knot of frogs
- knot of toads
- labour of moles
- lamentation of swans
- lead of foxes
- leap of lambs
- leap of leopards
- leash of bucks
- leash of deer
- leash of foxes
- leash of greyhounds
- leash of hares
- leash of hawks
- leash of hounds
- leash of rabbits
- lepe of leopards
- litter of cats (kittens)
- litter of cubs
- litter of dogs (puppies)
- litter of kittens
- litter of piglets
- litter of pups
- litter of whelps
- lodge of beavers
- loft of pigeons
- lounge of lizards
- loveliness of ladybirds
- library of books
- machination of monkeys
- malapertness of pedlars
- marvel of unicorns
- mask of raccoons
- mass of priests
- match of nightingales
- melody of harpers
- memory of elephants
- menagerie of animals
- mess of grits
- mess of iguanas
- mess of officers
- mews of capons
- miller of whores
- mischief of mice
- mischief of rats
- mob of emus
- mob of kangaroos
- mob of meerkats
- mob of thieves
- mob of sheep (Australian)
- mob of wallabies (bounce)
- mouthful of worms
- movement of moles
- multiply of husbands
- murder of crows
- murmuration of starlings
- muscle of marines
- muster of peacocks
- muster of soldiers
- muster of storks
- mustering of storks
- mutation of thrush
- mute of hounds
- nest of beakers
- nest of crocodiles
- nest of eggs
- nest of hornets
- nest of machine guns
- nest of mice
- nest of pheasants
- nest of rabbits
- nest of snakes
- nest of vipers
- nest of wasps
- neverthriving of jugglers
- nide of pheasants (on the ground)
- nosegay of flowers
- nuisance of cats (house cats)
- number of mathematicians
- nursery of raccoons
- nye of pheasants (on the ground)
- obesiance of servants
- observance of hermits
- obstinacy of buffaloes
- orchestra of musicians
- ostentation of peacocks
- outfit of sails
- orchard of apples
- pace of asses
- pace of donkeys
- pack of bears (polar bears)
- pack of coyotes
- pack of dogs
- pack of grouse (large group)
- pack of gulls
- pack of hounds
- pack of mongooses
- pack of mules
- pack of rats
- pack of sharks
- pack of stoats
- pack of weasels
- pack of wolves
- paddling of ducks (swimming)
- panel of experts
- pantheon of gods
- panes of glass
- parade of elephants
- parade of penguins
- parcel of deer
- parcel of hogs
- parcel of penguins
- parel of troops
- park of artillery
- park of cars
- parliament of owls
- parliament of ptarmigans
- parliament of rooks
- party of jays
- party of rainbow fish
- passel of brats
- passel of hogs
- passel of possums
- peal of bells
- peep of chickens
- piddle of puppies
- pile of books
- pile of dung
- pint of mussels
- pit of snakes
- piteousness of doves
- pitying of doves
- pitying of turtle doves
- plague of locusts
- plague of rats
- platoon of soldiers
- plump of ducks (flying)
- plump of seals
- plump of waterfowl
- plump of wildfowl
- plump of woodcock
- pocket of hops
- pocket of oranges
- pod of dolphins
- pod of peas
- pod of porpoises
- pod of seals
- pod of walruses
- pod of whales
- pod of whiting
- ponder of philosophers
- pontification of preachers
- pontification of priests
- pool of typists
- posse of police
- pounce of cats
- poverty of pipers
- prattle of parrots
- prettying of doves
- prickle of hedgehogs
- prickle of porcupines
- pride of lions
- pride of peacocks
- prudence of vicars
- puddling of mallards (on water)
- pump of ducks (in flight)
- punnet of strawberries
- purse of winnings
- quabble of woodlice
- quarrel of sparrows
- quire of newspapers
- quiver of arrows
- quiver of cobras
- rabble of butterflies
- radiance of cardinals
- raffle of turkeys
- raft of alligators
- raft of coots
- raft of ducks (while idle in water)
- raft of otters
- raft of penguins (in water)
- raft of puffins (on water)
- raft of widgeon
- rafter of turkeys
- rag of colts
- rainbow of butterflies
- rake of colts
- rake of mules
- rangale of deer
- range of mountains
- rayful of knaves
- rhumba of rattlesnakes
- richesse of martens
- ring of keys
- roll of coins
- romp of otters
- rookery of penguins
- rookery of seals
- roost of fowls
- roost of pigeons
- rope of onions
- rope of pearls
- rouleau of coins
- rouleau of money
- round of drinks
- rout of knights
- rout of wolves
- route of wolves
- royalty of princesses
- rumble of artillery
- rumpus of baboons
- run of fish
- run of hens
- run of poultry
- run of salmon
- run of whales
- rump roast of nouns
- rush of pochards
- salvo of gunfire
- sarcasm of stagehands
- sault of lions
- scatter of ravers
- school of butterfly fish
- school of fish
- school of porpoises
- school of salmon
- school of shark
- school of sharks
- school of whales
- scold of jays
- scorn of camels
- scourge of mosquitoes
- screech of gulls
- scurry of squirrels
- sea of bishops
- sect of worshippers
- sedge of bitterns
- sedge of cranes
- sedge of herons
- sequitur of logicians
- serving of spoons
- set of bowls
- set of utencils
- set of golf clubs
- set of sails
- setting of eggs
- sheaf of arrows
- sheaf of corn
- shimmer of hummingbirds
- shitload of stuff
- shoal of bass
- shoal of fish
- shoal of herrings
- shoal of pilchards
- shoal of salmon
- shower of bastards
- shrewdness of apes
- shuffle of bureaucrats
- siege of bitterns
- siege of cranes
- siege of herons
- singular of boars
- sizzle of sausages (snaggle)
- skein of geese (in flight)
- skein of goslings
- skein of silk
- skirl of bagpipes
- skulk of foxes
- skulk of friars
- slate of candidates
- sleuth of bears
- slew of homework
- slither of snakes
- sloth of bears
- smack of jellyfish
- snarl of leopards
- snatch of pickpockets
- sneak of weasels
- sord of mallards
- sord of wildfowl
- sounder of boars
- sounder of hogs
- sounder of pigs (wild pigs)
- sounder of swine
- soviet of ants
- sowse of lions
- span of mules
- span of oxen
- spawn of umbrellas
- spinney of trees
- spring of teals
- sprinkle of hoses
- squad of players
- squad of soldiers
- squadron of aeroplanes
- stable of horses
- staff of employees
- staff of servants
- stalk of foresters
- stand of arms
- stand of flamingo
- stand of plovers
- stand of trees
- staple of zines
- stare of owls
- state of princes
- stench of skunks
- stick of (air-dropped) bombs
- stick of paratroopers
- stock of businessmen
- storytelling of crows
- storytelling of ravens
- storytelling of rooks
- streak of tigers
- stream of minnows
- string of ducks
- string of pearls
- string of ponies
- string of racehorses
- stud of horses (for breeding)
- stud of mares
- suite of rooms
- superfluity of nuns
- sute of mallards
- sute of bloodhounds
- swarm of ants
- swarm of bees
- swarm of butterflies
- swarm of eels
- swarm of flies
- swarm of gnats
- swarm of insects
- swarm of rats
- swirl of paisleys
- stage of actors
- tassel of strippers
- team of athletes
- team of cattle
- team of ducks (in flight)
- team of footballers
- team of horses
- team of oxen
- team of players
- team of seals
- tenement of rooms
- thought of barons
- threatening of courtiers
- thunder of dragons
- tiding of magpies
- tittering of magpies
- toil of peasants
- tok of capercaillies
- torment of trainers
- totter of giraffes
- tower of giraffes
- trace of hares
- trace of rabbits
- trembling of finches
- tribe of baboons
- tribe of goats
- tribe of monkeys
- tribe of natives
- tribe of sparrows
- trimming of finches
- trip of dotterel
- trip of dotterels
- trip of goats
- trip of hares
- trip of rabbits
- trip of sheep
- trip of wildfowl
- troop of apes
- troop of baboons
- troop of dancers
- troop of dogfish
- troop of horsemen
- troop of horses
- troop of kangaroos
- troop of lions
- troop of monkeys
- troop of mushrooms
- troubling of goldfinches
- troupe of monkeys
- troupe of shrimp(s)
- troupe of dancers
- troupe of minstrels
- troupe of performers
- truss of hay
- tuft of grass
- tumult of tubas
- turn of turtles
- ubiquity of sparrows
- unkindness of ravens
- venue of vultures
- volery of birds
- vineyard of grapes
- wad of bills
- wad of money
- waddle of penguins (dry land)
- wake of buzzards
- wake of vultures
- walk of snails
- walk of snipe (at rest)
- warren of hares
- warren of rabbits
- warren of wombats
- watch of nightingales
- watch of sailors
- wealth of information
- wedge of geese (flying in a V)
- wedge of swans (flying in a V)
- weyr of dragons
- wheel of puffins (flying)
- whiteness of swans
- wing of dragons
- wing of plovers
- wisdom of grandparents
- wisdom of owls
- wisp of snipe (in flight)
- wolfpack of submarines
- whoop of gorillas
- wrack of rabbits (young rabbits)
- yap of chihuahuas
- yoke of cattle (two)
- yoke of oxen (two)
- zap of lasers
- zeal of zebras
I will probably add some images later.
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