The Worst Thing Ever
This is currently the Worst Thing Ever. It may be replaced at some future date if another Worst Thing Ever takes the title away from this thing.
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What To Do When You Are Drunk And Get Pulled Over By A Police Officer | Cohen v. California (1971) | Terminiello v. Chicago | Stealing Water | Horrible Terrible Ugly Sexual Harassment | Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption | At A Loss... | Not my problem. | People Who Threaten Your Freedom | Gary The Tow Truck Driver | Augsburg Book of Miracles | EGF & Foreskin Cosmetics | Hoes Mad | Martian's Girlfriend | Robert "Bobby" Crimo's Arrest | Hate Memes | The Worst Thing Ever | Sex Offender | Feminism | GROUNZ | What To Do With An Old Mobile Home | Rub n' Tug | White Privilege | Hookers | Zoomers | Coat Hanger | Trump | Tucker | Panpsychism | Giovanni Quintella Bezerra | Rythmic Slapping Sounds | The Dictionary Of Obscure Sorrows | 10,000 Most Common Passwords | The Break In | Greer v. Moon | Standardized Field Sobriety Tests | Gender Pay Gap | The Law of Merited Impossibility | The Celebration Parallax | The Law of Salutary Contradiction | The Smails Exhortation | The Lie-Back Imperative | The Enmity Counteraccusation