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Gender Pay Gap

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Gender Pay Gap has been debunked for years. Men have no reproductive rights, men are more likely to be victims of violent crime, and men are subject to the Selective Service (get your laws off my body!).

Dangerous Jobs

Women don't work dangerous jobs, yet they expect to be taken seriously when discussing the Gender Pay Gap.



Now let's talk about how men are marginalized.

  • Men are the EXCLUSIVE subjects to military conscription, women are ENTIRELY exempt
  • Men are far more likely to die in war
  • On that note, men throughout all of human existence have been 99.999% of military casualties
  • Men, just in the context of warfare, have suffered more than all of women's collective grievances a thousand times over
  • Men are more likely to have PTSD
  • Men are more likely to be homeless (80%)
  • Of the homeless, Men are more likely to be rough sleepers when homeless (90%)
  • Men are more likely to commit suicide (80%)
  • Men are more likely to be alcoholics
  • Men are more likely to be drug addicted
  • Men are more likely to be incarcerated
  • Men are more likely to have harsher conditions when incarcerated
  • Men are more likely to be in solitary confinement
  • Men are more likely to receive the death penalty
  • Men are more likely to be prosecuted than women for the same crime
  • Men are more likely to receive harsher punishment than women for the same crime
  • Men are more likely to be the victim of a violent crime
  • Men are more likely to be murdered
  • Men are more likely to be the victim of police misconduct, police brutality, and police killing
  • Men are more likely to be falsely accused of a crime
  • Men are more likely to be victim to a miscarriage of justice
  • Men are more likely to be wrongfully convicted of a crime
  • Men are more likely to be wrongfully executed
  • Men are more likely to work a shitty job
  • Men are more likely to work a dangerous job
  • Men are more likely to get injured at work
  • Men are more likely to die at work (93%)
  • Men are less likely to do well in school
  • Men are less likely to graduate from high school
  • Men are less likely to go to college
  • Men are less likely to receive scholarships
  • Men are less likely to graduate from college
  • Men are more likely to drop out of high school
  • Men are more likely to drop out of college
  • Men are more likely to be divorced by their partner
  • Men are more likely to pay child support
  • Men are more likely to pay alimony
  • Men have fewer social safety nets
  • Men die earlier than women
  • Men lead in 9 of the top 10 causes of death
  • Men have their peens mutilated at birth
  • Men are the exclusive victims of paternity fraud
  • Men have no reproductive rights
  • Men have no abuse or DV shelters
  • Gay men are more likely to be victim of a hate crime
  • Men are less likely to get custody of their children
  • Boys are more likely to die from child maltreatment
  • Boys are more likely to be victims of infanticide
  • Boys are less likely to be adopted
  • Men are more likely to die without having children
  • Men are more likely to be body shamed without any repercussions to the shamer
  • Men are more likely to be body shamed for traits out of their control
  • Men are discriminated against due to diversity quotas

Other Types Of Gaps

There's all kinds of gaps. A big one is the gender empathy gap. This is where people are much less likely to feel empathy for men, whichever gender you are.

BUT related to wage, let's talk about the:

  • Dangerous job gap
  • Die on the job gap
  • Electrocuted to death gap
  • Crushed to death gap
  • Fall to their death gap
  • Injured on the job gap
  • Undesirable/disgusting/dirty jobs gap
  • Work outside in heat/cold gap
  • Shitty hours gap
  • Relocate gap
  • Commute gap
  • Overtime gap
  • Work in bumfuck nowhere gap
  • Work a job that props up the entire infrastructure of society so you can sit in your cushy air conditioned office job gap


A perfect example.

On top of all this garbage that is being spewed by feminists, they never mention a single one of the facts on this page. All of those things are glossed over as "man things" that we don't need anyways. But what do you expect? Feminism isn't about equality, it is about domination of the opposite sex.

Of course, a lot of this is men's fault too. They're too proud to express bad shit when it happens. So it keeps happening.

Gender Pay Gap is a part of a series that concerns Morality.
In other words, pages discussing what a bad person you are.

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