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Video games

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Remember bigot, if you play video games:

<skew> Dwarf Fortress devs are pro-trans rights
<skew> John Romero is pro-trans rights
<skew> Josh Sawyer (lead designer of FNV) has called himself a socialist, donated to Bernie
<skew> Motomu Toriyama, co-director for the FFVII remake, praised TLOU2 for its diversity and LGBTQ elements, said his game was influenced by (Honeybee Inn) it and that everyone who makes content should express diversity
<skew> Kojima is anti-Trump
<skew> Suda51 hates racism, Travis wears a "FUCK RACISM" t-shirt
<skew> Square Enix's Toshiyuki Itahana created a pro-LGBT mascot
<skew> Solasta devs added trans characters
<skew> Sims 4 devs allow you to play as non-binary
<skew> Borderlands 3 devs included 2 non-binary characters
<skew> Apex Legends devs included a non-binary character
<skew> BattleTech devs are pro-trans and non-binary, allow you to pick your own pronouns
<skew> Bioware (literally all their games, including the original Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate, DAO) - need I say more?
<skew> MULE was made by a trans developer, influenced Shigeru Miyamoto (Pikmin) and Will Wright
<skew> Rain World devs support trans rights and BLM
<skew> Creator of Celeste is trans
<skew> Disco Elysium devs said they were inspired by Marx
<skew> Hat in Time developers are pro-trans
<skew> Subnautica devs are mostly pro-trans, fired a sound designer who made fun of trans people, oppose guns
<skew> Warren Spector (creator of Deus Ex) has donated to Democrats/ActBlue, also a feminist
<skew> Uchikoshi (creator of 999, VLR) is pro-LGBT and explicitly made a character in AI Somnium Files talk about how cool LGBT people are
<skew> Jonathan Blow donates to Democrats/ActBlue
<skew> Sam Houser (co-founder and president of Rockstar) executive producer of every GTA game since 3 has donated to Democrats/ActBlue
<skew> Richard Garriot (creator of Ultima) regularly donates to Democrats/ActBlue
<skew> Gabe Newell regularly donates to Democrats/ActBlue
<skew> Brian Fargo (director of Wasteland, predecessor to Fallout) regularly donated to Democrats/ActBlue
<skew> Brian and Alexander Hastings - programmers for Insomniac, programmed original Spyro games and Ratchet and Clank games, donated to Democrats/ActBlue

Video games is a part of a series on Media