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Furio Killed Tony Soprano

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" You know? There are worse things that can happen to a person... than cancer. " Furio Giunta
You deserved to be happy with Carmen, Furio. Nobody blames you.

There are not enough pages on the internet saying that Furio Giunta killed Tony Soprano, so this page will attempt to increase that number.

We all know, deep in our hearts, it was Furio, waiting in the diner bathroom, as "Don't Stop Belivin'" started to play. It wasn't that truck driver guy in the Cat hat who killed Tony. It wasn't the two black guys who come in to check the place out who killed Tony. It wasn't even the Italian guy in the Member's Only jacket who goes to the Men's room; although he probably handed the gun to Furio back there. No, it was Furio, emerging from the shadows, killing the man who kept him away from his prize: Carmen.

Furio Killed Tony Soprano is a part of a series on Media