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welcome fuckos

Quote.png you ever step in dog shit and then attempt to remove it but end up smearing it around even worse? this wiki is just like that. Quote1.png


you are so lucky. you have finally found it! the bloggin.space wiki. a place where i make articles about everything because i know everything and you get to read it.

now for some context...

you may or may not know the deal, but the original intent of this website was to document stupid stuff that i found on the internet. after a short time, i realized that everything on the internet is stupid. people, places, things... everything. it's all retarded, and it is getting worse day by day.

it was at this point where i decided to just be as retarded as everybody else.


organized dogshit

latest shenanigans

  • 02:22, 10 March 2025Dear God, What Have I Done? (hist | edit) ‎[676 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A page to denote terrible decisions. Most of them will have to do with foods or liquors that I have purchased "to try." thumb|center|400px|Straight up garbage. Greasy, bland, and has that terrible "hot dog" taste when a hot dog isn't very good. File:JoseCuervo Devils Reserve.jpg|thumb|center|400px|This tasted NOTHING like tequilla. It had hints of watermelon liqueur. Something like Midori, but also r...")
  • 17:23, 9 March 2025The Crucifixion (hist | edit) ‎[10,136 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a paraphrase of a summary of an ARSH 1965 article on crucifixion by Dr. C. Truman Davis entitled, “The Anatomical And Physiological Details Of Death By Crucifixion”, originally published in Arizona Medicine. Additions in brackets were added by [https://www.barnhardt.biz Ann Barnhardt] to correct scripture citations. ==The Article== Crucifixion is the most painful death ever invented by man and is where we get our term “excruciating.” It was reserved p...")
  • 15:46, 9 March 2025Anne Heche (hist | edit) ‎[11,267 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Original X post from 2:00 AM · Mar 8, 2025 <center><twitter screen-name="Prolotario1" tweet-id="1898267478511264071" width="400" /></center> ==full text== ===Anne Heche: The Undoing Of Her Plan To Act=== (Allegedly) For You To Decide Anne Heche’s death wasn’t a simple car accident it was an orchestrated hit, executed with precision to silence her. On August 5, 2022, at 10:55 AM PDT, her blue Mini Cooper crashed into a house at 1766 Walgrove Avenue in Los Angel...")
  • 02:49, 8 March 2025Zoom (hist | edit) ‎[900 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<style> .zoom { padding: 50px; background-color: green; transition: transform .2s; →‎Animation: width: 200px; height: 200px; margin: 0 auto; } .zoom:hover { transform: scale(1.5); →‎(150% zoom - Note: if the zoom is too large, it will go outside of the viewport): } </style> <div class="zoom"></div>")
  • 22:47, 6 March 2025Cockshutt (hist | edit) ‎[456 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center|200px '''The Cockshutt Plow Company''' was a very old farm equipment manufacturer who made '''Cockshutt''' tractors for a very short time in the mid-20th century. Also, the company name has nothing to do with being a '''Cock Slutt.''' center|400px {{Old Stuff}} Category:IRL ShitCategory:Old")
  • 03:18, 5 March 2025Nancy Pelosi (hist | edit) ‎[267 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "BallSac wants to have sex with this. center|400px I will let you make your own judgement.")
  • 00:00, 5 March 2025The Long Lost Friend (hist | edit) ‎[942 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pdf>The Long-Lost Friend.pdf</pdf>")
  • 01:20, 1 March 2025The Meatloaf Experiments (hist | edit) ‎[729 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I didn't know this was going to happen as I originally made a meatloaf a few weeks ago out of the blue. I hadn't made a meatloaf in over a decade because my wife said she hated them. I happen to like them, but I do not like the normal meatloaf setup with ketchup and brown sugar and such. I tend to like a more savory loaf of meat. This is what prompted '''The Meatloaf Experiments.'''")
  • 23:37, 26 February 2025Twice Baked Potato Breakfast Skins (hist | edit) ‎[717 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "right|400px right|400px 1. Bake some potatoes 2. Let them cool down 3. Scoop out the majority of the meat 4. Fry some bacon 5. Put the bacon strips into the cavity of the baked potato 6. Crack an egg into the cavity of the baked potato 7. Top with Cheddar cheese or whatever cheese you want 8. Top with pickled jalapenos or whatever Click the pictures to see details. {{Food}} Category:FoodCategory:IRL Shit")
  • 00:22, 26 February 2025/sp/ (hist | edit) ‎[312 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:<font face="courier"><font color="hotpink"># / s p /</font></font>}} <html> <center> <iframe src="http://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=/sp/&uio=d4" width="750" height="400"></iframe> </center> </html> Category:WordsCategory:PeopleCategory:IRL Shit")
  • 00:08, 26 February 2025Gee/Tee/Vee (hist | edit) ‎[331 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <html> <head> </head> <center> <iframe src="http://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=/g/tv&uio=d4" width="700" height="500"></iframe> </center> </html>")
  • 15:33, 23 February 2025Hooters (hist | edit) ‎[994 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Hooters''' filed for bankrupcy this week. I wonder why? center|500px")
  • 02:14, 19 February 2025Cuck Chair (hist | edit) ‎[1,061 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:<font face="courier"><font color="hotpink">the cuck chair</font></font>}} A '''Cuck Chair''' is an oddly placed chair in a hotel room. This is where the husband sits and watches while his wife is fucking some other guy on the bed.<ref>I honest to God have an ex-employee who did this sort of thing with his wife and another co-worker. Not going to name any names though.</ref> center|500px <h3>references</h3> <hr style="border-top:...")
  • 12:41, 16 February 2025Hockey (hist | edit) ‎[462 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hockey, or more commonly known as '''Ice Soccer''' is the Canadian national pastime. That was until Hockey was taken away from Canada by the United States of America... center|500px ==See Also== *Canada *Matt Petgrave")
  • 04:08, 15 February 2025LaFontaine (hist | edit) ‎[625 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Along the ''historic'' banks of the Wabash River, there lies the tiny town of '''LaFontaine.''' Here she lies, in the icy grip of Old Man Winter: center|600px")
  • 00:46, 13 February 2025This Is Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy (hist | edit) ‎[372 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Guys, I am starting to think '''This Is Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy.''' center|500px {{Morality}} Category:VideoCategory:MediaCategory:IRL ShitCategory:Internet")
  • 00:53, 6 February 2025Two Weeks Notice (hist | edit) ‎[1,590 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Just in case you are thinking about quitting, it is important for you to put in the proper '''Two Weeks Notice''' so that if things do not work out, you can come back to your old shitty job. If you hate your boss and want to murder your co-workers, do not use this notice. Just burn the building down like a normal person. {| style="background: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid hotpink; width: 80%; margin: 1px auto;" |width="1%"| |'''Subject:''' Notice of Resignation Dear [M...")
  • 02:26, 5 February 2025X3 (hist | edit) ‎[921 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{X}} <center> <table style="width: 95%; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px;"> <tr> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white;"><twitter screen-name="RealAlexJones " /></td> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white;"><twitter screen-name="catturd2 " /></td> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white;"><twitter screen-name="TheQuartering " /></td> </tr> <tr> <t...")
  • 02:08, 5 February 2025X2 (hist | edit) ‎[910 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{X}} <center> <table style="width: 95%; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px;"> <tr> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white;"><twitter screen-name="CNviolations" /></td> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white;"><twitter screen-name="JDVance" /></td> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid white;"><twitter screen-name="libsoftiktok" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td styl...")
  • 01:20, 5 February 2025X (hist | edit) ‎[917 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center> <table style="width: 95%; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px;"> <tr> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;"><twitter screen-name="elonmusk" /></td> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;"><twitter screen-name="IanCarrollShow" /></td> <td style="width: 33%; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;"><twitter screen-name="Libsofbluesky " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style...")
  • 01:44, 30 January 2025Headings - 2025 (hist | edit) ‎[2,195 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I have become unhappy with how Mediawiki displays headings for sections on articles. I have now decided to change how they look. A typical heading for a section looks like this: ==Section 1==")
  • 03:08, 27 January 2025Ballot Box Biology (hist | edit) ‎[8,103 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "If you don't remember the 2019 Covid hoax, this article is for you. '''Ballot Box Biology''' is the phenomena where mob rule is swayed by big money to conform to what big money wants. ==Scientific Integrity== It is long known that The Science has been compromised.")
  • 04:04, 26 January 2025Sharks (hist | edit) ‎[2,272 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Sharks''' are fucking ridiculous. They are basically nature's Russian Roulette eternal players. While they are older than trees, they are also the source of thousands of evolutionary dead ends. Seriously, if you think of putting teeth on anything out there, including bicycles, eye glasses, pry bars, or whatever your imagination may cook up, '''Sharks''' have been there and done that.")
  • 01:59, 24 January 2025Now It's Your Problem (hist | edit) ‎[138 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center|600px ==See Also== *Not My Problem *Not my problem. {{Morality}} Category:IRL Shit")
  • 01:40, 24 January 2025The Remington Bolt Action Rifle (hist | edit) ‎[203 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center|1000px")
  • 00:35, 23 January 2025Negligent Discharge (hist | edit) ‎[5,671 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center> {|style="background-color:#f0e0d6; width:800px; color:#800000"; |style="padding:5px;"|<span style="color:#117743;">'''Anonymous File:Us.gif {{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} (EDT)'''</span> |- |style="padding:7px; padding-left:30px;"|'''Thank you for your service!''' |} </center> <center> {|style="background-color:#f0e0d6; width:800px; color:#800000"; |style="padding:5px;"|<span style="color:#117743;">'''Anonymous Fil...")
  • 22:30, 22 January 2025Josie (hist | edit) ‎[7,524 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Josie was a big girl. She had a grease burn pattern of freckles that only splayed out on her nose and under her pale green blue eyes. Her hair was that half way point between red-ish and brown-ish, and looked like kinked wire most of the time, and most especially when she was huffing and puffing at work. Like most girls of her size, she had a tendency to be bossy. “Do-this-Do-that, yarr,” was something you could find coming out of her mouth as she pulled a hank of ha...")
  • 03:51, 22 January 2025Billy And The Golden Goat (hist | edit) ‎[19,585 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There is a truth that underlies the buzz you hear every day. It is a hard truth that does not give when it is questioned or measured against other things that are believed to be true. We go day in and day out, in this world full of 24-hour news aimed at selling the story, but that isn’t what the truth is, the truth I am talking about lies under all that bullshit, a slab of dark bedrock, and it holds everything up. The funny thing about that truth, nobody wants to belie...")
  • 01:05, 16 January 2025Furniture Row (hist | edit) ‎[4,966 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Quite a bit like a Mattress Store, '''Furniture Row''' seems like a business that cannot sustain itself. In the company's "about us" section, they say: {{Q|Furniture Row® is a family-owned company that offers high quality home furniture at an incredible value. We got our start as four separate specialty furniture stores in a small shopping center - the first “Furniture Row” - and these humble beginnings taught us an important lesson: the power of an enjoyable,...")
  • 03:09, 15 January 2025American Mousetoss League (hist | edit) ‎[1,382 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center|300px File:Mousetoss1.jpg File:Mousetoss2.jpg")
  • 02:06, 15 January 2025Dns.adguard.com (hist | edit) ‎[3,031 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:dns.adguard.com}} blah blah")
  • 16:28, 14 January 2025The Old Farmer's Almanac (hist | edit) ‎[863 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "If you notice a hole in the upper left-hand corner of your '''Farmers’ Almanac''', don’t return it to the store! That hole isn’t a defect; it’s a part of history. Starting with the first edition of the Farmers’ Almanac in 1818, readers used to nail holes into the corners to hang it up in their outhouses (to provide both reading material and toilet paper). In 1919, the Almanac’s publishers began pre-drilling holes in the corners to make it even easier for read...")
  • 18:25, 13 January 2025FMHY Commits (hist | edit) ‎[6,062 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Cineby *https://www.cineby.app *https://www.bitcine.app/ *https://discord.gg/C2zGTdUbHE (unofficial) Freek *https://freek.to/ Rive *https://rivestream.live/) *https://rivestream.xyz/ *https://cinemaos-v2.vercel.app/ *Status https://rentry.co/rivestream *Discord https://discord.gg/6xJmJja8fV 456movie *https://456movie.com/) *https://www.345movies.com/ Broflix *https://broflix.cc/ PopcornMovies *https://popcornmovies.to/ Hexa *https://hexa.watch/ *Discord https:/...")
  • 23:28, 9 January 2025Google Street View (hist | edit) ‎[421 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Everybody knows about how '''Google Street View''' has some funny, dark, and mysterious shit going on. I gathered some highlights. thumb|center|600px|The site of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" video these days.")
  • 23:37, 7 January 2025The Hulk (hist | edit) ‎[800 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lou Ferrigno was the original television version of '''The Hulk.''' Lou was deaf. He had this ridiculous wig on to hide hearing aids. thumb|center|600px|Lou is on the left, the queer on the right is some Hollywood actor. Take a quick look though. The queer has ears. Lou Ferrigno is 73 at the time of this article's writing, and I am fully sure he could still beat up Mark Ruffalo. I'm not talking about a little boxing match here. I am...")
  • 21:42, 2 January 2025Redbox (hist | edit) ‎[2,910 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "right|200px '''Redbox''' was a DVD rental company that, at it's height, had around 45,000 kiosks nationwide. Businesses like CVS, Walmart, and 7-eleven all had their machines on their premises. How this worked was pretty simple: Redbox would call up a retailer and say "Hey, let me plug this machine in out in your lobby. I will pay you rent and pay the electric bill, and then we collect the money from the DVD rental." Most retailers were f...")
  • 20:37, 1 January 2025Samsung Galaxy Tab A (hist | edit) ‎[1,493 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "right|500px This is the '''Samsung Galaxy Tab A.''' It was released in May of 2016 by Samsung and I bought this particular one that summer. The model number is T585. The Galaxy Tab A 10.1 came with Android 6.0 ''Marshmallow,'' but due to updates in 2018, it runs Samsung Experience 9.5, based on Android 8.1.0 ''Oreo.'' It has a 10.1-inch PLS LCD screen with a resolution of 1920x1200 pixels. It also has a 2 MP front camera without flas...")
  • 18:16, 1 January 2025Podcasts (hist | edit) ‎[989 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Much like the Youtube page, this page is here to accumulate links to '''Podcasts''' that I may (or may not) listen to. Why not use subscriptions? Well, two reasons: first, I might forget. Second, the algorithm might forget for me. I'll just link them here to keep them fresh. *[https://open.spotify.com/show/4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk Joe Rogan]")
  • 23:10, 30 December 2024Donut Operator (hist | edit) ‎[1,325 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Donut Operator''' is an internet content creator named Cody Garrett who has around 5 million followers on youtube. After serving in the U.S. Navy, Garrett worked as a police officer in the Spartanburg Police Department for two years before resigning in 2017, citing low pay, high stress, risk and "a feeling of hopelessness". He stated that, shortly before leaving his office, he "was making more money from youTube and blogging than I was at the department"....")
  • 15:47, 30 December 2024Lego Speed Champions Corvette (hist | edit) ‎[482 bytes]Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Part of the Lego Speed Champions lineup, this set comes with the Chevrolet Corvette C8.R Race Car and the 1969 Chevrolet Corvette. This model is the 1969 Stingray. The set comes with 510 pieces in total, with about 300 of them going in the Stingray. Total build time for both: 1 hour. thumb|center|600px|Both models are cool, but the set is worth buying just for the iconic Stingray. {{Blogpost}} Category:BlogsCategory:IRL...")

jokes? why are you looking here? the joke is in your pants


•Someblackguy• An attractive woman once asked if I was more interested in breasts or legs.
•Someblackguy• I told her that I was mainly into feet and anal.
•Someblackguy• I'm no longer welcome at that KFC restaurant.

mumbo jumbo


articles: 733
garbage: 3,812
images, videos, and such: 2,779
edits: 10,706

