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Ever since good old Jimbo released his wiki software, you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting somebody's wikipedia. There are wikipedias for swinging, dead cats, and Jimbo, if you look hard enough. Below is a list for my personal use, but is probably a good idea to keep here in case somebody else needs to rip off some cool code or content. Being on this list does not signify any sort of approval.
Also, HostKnox has a lot of good resources located HERE.
Now, here is a categorized list of wikipedias I know or have run across.
The Old Ones
- wikipedia The Original and probably the worst.
- Encyclopedia Dramatica Less said the better.
- Uncyclopedia Potato wikipedia.
- MediaWiki Steal code from here.
- wikinews News with a bias.
- wikisource A wikipedia full of other people's writing and some pretty smug individuals.
- wiktionary An online dictionary that changes word definitions according to social or political conditions.
- wikimedia A link to Jimbo's other garbage.
- Some crazy guy.
- Metapedia is some wikipedia that covers topics outside the mainstream. Yeah, it's an ED ripoff.
- It is illegal to go to this one.
- wikiHow
- Psychonaut Wiki
- Lost Media Wiki - very interesting.
wikipedias Based On Fandoms
For every fandom, there is a wikipedia.
- Very large wiki portal dedicated to mIRC, an IRC chat client.
- Fandom powers fan experience. The starting point of the fandom wikipedias
- The internet Champion Nerd Magnet
- One Wiki to Rule Them All. The only wikipedia that I actually read from time to time.
- no pictures whoops Another fandom wikipedia that is quite odd.
- Conservapedia...another form of fan wank.
- OrthodoxWiki is a fandom wikipedia for Jesus.
- RationalWiki is a leftist fan wank wikipedia opposing Conservapedia.
- Lurkmore is the current home of the anonymous wiki. Since they have hosting issues, this link will probably die soon.
- Wickerpedia. Yes, that is what it is.
- Illogicopedia. Not ha-ha funny. Kinda queer funny.
- Deletionpedia is a wikipedia that tries to rescue deleted articles. Sometimes a useful place.
- wikiHow
- TV Tropes
- Holy crap, there is a Little House On the Prairie wiki. Neat.
The "Other" Category
- Incel wiki. Somebody here is a really good wiki markup coder.
- Boobpedia, because we need this wikipedia.
- Babepedia is another one we need.
- wikiFeet ugh.
- Wikiporno
- The Hidden Wiki has a clean mirror online. To visit the real hidden wiki, you are going to need Tor.
- Bibliotheca Anonoma is a small wiki that can be useful. Lots of history there.
- wikipediavision is fun to watch sometimes.
- government wiki
- want to learn how to lactate?
- dead porn star pseudo wiki
- surviopedia - prepper SHTF wiki
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