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I really didn't want to do this article, but it just keeps getting better and better...or worser and worser, depending on which side you are on. Kiwifarms is a gossip forum that has been around for a while, shitting on internet idiots and doxxing them for shits and giggles. Some say that the site is a hate site that has caused the death of people, while other people say that it is a place of freeze peach...that only exposes dipshits.

While I won't entertain most of the "other side" of the fight, I will put down what I am seeing from the Kiwifarms point of view, mainly through a "QRD."


Disapproving redneck.jpg

Most of the time, I hate the internet. Sometimes things happen that shake up my idea of what the internet should be, and I am compelled to blog, or wiki about it. This is one of those times. I have said, earlier, that I am covering things from the Kiwifarms side, and the reason for that is that I do not have any sort of social media to keep track of all the things going on concerning the destruction of the site.

But I must say that I don't have an account at Kiwifarms and I never have. I do read the site from time to time to see what is going on. Mostly to see what is going on with the actual site itself, because it has had so many troubles over the years. I am like the guy driving past a car wreck, slowing down and watching the bloody mess unfold.

Additionally, I have no feelings about the whole Chrischan drama. To me it is crap. I have never edited any of the copious pages about him, nor have I ever really given a single fuck. I stayed away from that hornet's nest because it's mostly a shitshow.

The internet is stupid.


This was taken from a 4chan post that pretty much describes what I have been seeing.

Magnify.png In 2021, the daughter of a CIA "person" who is a board member of a holding company owning stake in Cloudflare names Isabella Loretta Jahnke encouraged Chrstian Westen Chandler to rape his mother.

Christian Chandler was arrested by the Henrico County Police on warrant for the crime of Incest, and moved to the central Virginia regional jail pending trial. During that time it came to light that former CIA Agent and now private internet spook Michael Jahnke, was running interference for the instigator of Christian Chandlers rape of his mother. His daughter, Isabella.

But it was not until a Canadian Fart Porn actor named Lucas Roberts launched a campaign that the pretext to full shut down the "threat" was launched. A combination of nebulous threats and sock puppet accounts were used to justify exercising a domain level attack on an internet forum. National media in Canada and the United States were utilized, all falsely claiming the Christchurch shooter posted his manifesto to the Kiwifarms (he posted it to facebook) and using this as a pretext to eradicate it from the face of the internet.

In a Plan B, the Kiwifarms moved its registry to Russia, where it subsequently came under a State Actor level DDoS attack that overwhelmed the Russian companies ability to mitigate and forced it to remove it from the website.

Now all the archived information has been removed from the clear net and is only accessible via TOR.

But all of this is well documented on other sites to the Nth degree and needs no re-hashing here.

Back Online

Its back for now, but mediawiki freaks out with the link: https://kiwifarms st/ Just put a period between farms and st.

Tor Access?


Kiwifarms can be accessed only through the Tor network at the time of this article's writing, so if you want a current update the link below will allow you to see what is happening:



On top of being removed from the internet, Kiwifarms has also been removed from the internet wayback machine.

It is not currently known if the forum can be reached on Tor...

What Null Said

Null, the owner of the site, had some things to day just prior to the russian site getting overwhelmed.

Magnify.png This person is not an active member of the community. This appears to be a sleeper account someone had gotten access to in July, and kept on hand to use like this.

On August 31st, Matthew Prince released a strong statement defending his role as a service provider and not a regulatory body. 3 days later, something scared him. I don't know what it was, but it achieved the desired result. In an explanation published late on a Saturday, which reads as rushed and irrational, he tries to mitigate the whiplash between the two opposing statements by saying we are the worst site he has ever seen - because one post (which was already deleted by the time he pulled the plug) made a violent threat.

The precedent has been set. At Cloudflare, with enough pressure, a single post by a strange account can be made to threaten a 9-year-old community and the tens of thousands of people who have used it every day for years. There has never been a violent incident in our history, which cannot be said for many other sites still on Cloudflare. This narrative feels like a lie spun up to save face.

Contrary to any other time Cloudflare has refused service, the error page for our domain is unique. It exists to defend Cloudflare's decision making and to defame our community as a dangerous organization with zero substance besides Matthew Prince's own words. He has never felt it necessary to seize a domain and convert it to a P.R. statement for Cloudflare before today.

Even now, I have received zero communication from Cloudflare or any law enforcement agency regarding #DropKiwiFarms or its members.

This concerns me and should deeply concern everyone about the state of the Internet.

I'll have more to say later. I've not yet moved my domains from Cloudflare, because a part of me thinks that Matthew will recognize this as an err in judgement. The decision is simply too asinine for me to accept as reality.

After the protection was destroyed, Null went on to say the following:

Magnify.png In my life, there is a family emergency. It has absolutely nothing to do with the forum drama. I cannot and will not elaborate further. There will be a week or more where I am completely unavailable and it is likely the site will go down during this time where I will not be able to bring it up.


I want to appraise our situation frankly.

Domain Registrar Cloudflare was both our application-level DDoS mitigation and our domain registrar. They have given me a way to transfer my domains to another registrar. I do not know what registrar to send it to because I do not have faith in any company.

DDoS Mitigation DDoS-Guard will drop us dropped us while I was writing this post. This meme about Russia being a free country is a joke. The US is a free country, but with no stewards to protect it. Without the US, there is no second best. I did not expect Cloudflare to crumple so quickly and I don't have a Plan C for DDoS mitigation.

Resource Allocation I own IP addresses. Our IP allocation is from APNIC. APNIC is one of the 5 private companies which allocate Internet resources around the world. APNIC happens to be based out of Australia, which recently passed draconian censorship laws. There is an effort to get our RIR to revoke our allocation. This would be unprecedented in the history of the Internet, and considering China is in APNIC's region, an absolutely horrific standard which will echo throughout the upcoming decades. There is a non-zero chance of this happening.

Hosting We have one host and I am looking at two more. It is likely that the host will give up too. The two hosts confident they can handle the Kiwi Farms are probably wrong. DDoS-Guard was confident they could handle the Kiwi Farms and said "bring it on" for less than 24 hours.

This is an organized attack. There is a coalition of criminals trying to frame the forum for their behavior. These criminals provide opportunities for professional victims to amplify their message. Journalists canonize the crimes as the behavior of the forum itself, which becomes the effective truth for the general public.

This is a machine that was built up formerly against 8chan and activates any time the cathedral wants to test the new fronts of its censorship. It is a massive amalgamation of various interests. I am one person. The financial limitations aren't even the real problem - the problem is, I am powerless alone. There is no amount of money I can throw to convince people to be brave and be free. This is just the reality of our country.

And what this machine will not accept is compromise. If I censored specific kinds of behavior, it would not matter. They don't want a specific thing censored. They want the average person to be able to speak in channels where only specific thoughts are acceptable.

More importantly, they want to make it so that no small organization can host a service which threatens the cathedral. It used to be that one guy with a good idea could open a platform and be a Tom Anderson, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Fulp, Christopher Poole, or Richard Kyanka. Take note these names are all from 10+ years ago. There are no new groundbreakers online anymore because breaking ground in the new Internet's corporate parking lot is not allowed.

I do not see a situation where the Kiwi Farms is simply allowed to operate. It will either become a fractured shell of itself, like 8chan, or jump between hosts and domain names like Daily Stormer.


In September of 2022, probably around September 17th, 18th, or 19th, the site was hacked and a security breach occurred. This is what the site owner posted:


No other further information was given. Several people claimed responsibility, but none have actually been confirmed.

Kiwifarms is part of a series on Websites