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Timeline Prime

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Doot doot timeline.jpeg

Call it Timeline Prime, Timeline 1, or Original Timeline, you will never see this timeline ever again, as it has been hidden from detection, removed from your/our existence, or destroyed.

Probably because of something YOU did.[1]

Because of this, mankind, or whoever,[2] in their infinite wisdom, have been creating and destroying timelines at the whims of their own devices.[3] Whatever happened to the original timeline (the one where you were happy) is gone, replaced by whatever current timeline you are experiencing.


Aliens timeline.jpg
Cern timeline.jpeg

There are several theories as to how and when Timeline Prime was eradicated from existence. Most people blame the Large Hadron Collider, while others believe that Timeline Prime was destroyed at a far earlier date.

  • Early mankind's cave drawings of "visitors" from other worlds. We never stood a chance, timelines were being manipulated by others[4] well before we could ever grasp the concept.
  • In 1931, the 9-inch cyclotron located in Berkeley, California[5] was constructed as a "proof of concept." Who knows what evils were unleashed upon the universe when mankind began manipulating the atom?
  • The Special Mission 13, who's primary target was Hiroshima, Japan on 6 August 1945.[6]
  • On the morning of 10 September 2008, The Large Hadron Collider went online[7] and engaged in early tests.
  • Just about every other crazy whack-job conspiracy theory that comes down the pike.

Science and Philosophy

i can probably expand the timeline lore a bit weishaupt. i'll add it to my list of things to do

-- -- If Erotica actually gets around to doing anything, it will lead to another fracture of the current timeline.

I'm sure there is an immense amount of science and philosophy behind all this crap. Just a quick search reveals thousands of pages of display and discussion, but I am not going to wade through all that horseshit. I am sure that once Erotica looks this article over, she will have lots of content and/or commentary to input.

Guess I am trying to say that part is a place holder section for when the long haired hippies and psuedos want to weigh in on the subject.[8]

I'll put this image here because it looks cool.


Gosh, if only I had never picked up that meth pipe for the first time!

-- - Every random dipshit who is unhappy

Timeline regerts.jpg

A lot of people say that every time a person makes a choice, it creates a new timeline. Arguing that if the decision was made in another way, that would also create a separate timeline. Thus, every decision a person makes, creates 2 distinct timelines. One where a person didn't make the decision, and one where they did.

This is utter hogwash. Delusional assholes who want to believe this sort of thing have made terrible decisions in their own life and are trying to explain their own personal regrets, rationalizing that somewhere, someplace in time, they are living a perfect life. All because somewhere, someplace in time, somebody made the right decisions.


Remember that time when you were six years old and playing in the yard? Wow, you were happy back then before real life started shitting on you. It's not coming back and you are stuck where you are... in this current Timeline.


Timeline Prime* is part of an infinite series that concerns

• • • TIMELINES • • •
*Remember, Timelines are endless and every choice you make creates a new thread.