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Timeline 12542

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Following the events occurring in Timeline 12539, a dramatic new string of events has happened, creating a new timeline.

well FAST, at least he's out of your house now. well, most of him anyway

-- -- Monkt

<@FED> BallSac, homura, Erotica, weishaupt - my roommate tried to kill himself
<@FED> I found him in the bathtub with slit wrists
<@homura> my condolences
<@Monkt> FED I thought he was gone
<@Monkt> he tried to an hero between packing up his stuff and you changing the locks?
<@weishaupt> oh man, did you take pics FED?
<@FED> weishaupt I forgot to take pics, but he did it in his bedroom with a box cutter and got blood all over the walls, then he moved to the bathtub and filled it with blood
<@weishaupt> damn
<@weishaupt> any pics of the bloody walls?
<@FED> Monkt he said he was leaving, and he had a taxi coming, then I heard the bath running with the door open and went to check, and he'd attempted an heroing


<@FAST> the majority of the blood was on a blanket, which I trashed, and in the bathtub, which I drained
I should have taken pics, fuck
I wasn't thinking clearly

Don't worry FAST, it happens to the best of us.

Timeline 12542* is part of an infinite series that concerns

• • • TIMELINES • • •
*Remember, Timelines are endless and every choice you make creates a new thread.