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Big Mac Timeline

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The Big Mac is a sandwich sold by American fast food company McDonald's. The sandwich had a limited release in 1967 and then a national release in 1968. Since that time, the sandwich has become an almost iconic representation of the franchise, becoming part of the worldwide human consciousness.

As we all know, when certain people, places, sandwiches,[1] and objects garner such psychic notice, shifts can occur within the particular Timeline these things exist. This particular timeline, the Big Mac Timeline sprang into being sometime in the 1970s, but the exact date cannot be tracked down with perfect accuracy.

Many people remember that the Big Mac has two pieces of cheese on it. An internet search will reveal that the sandwich only has one slice of cheese on the lower burger. This revelation has shocked many while confirming other people's memory. Additionally, McDonald's has further obfuscated events by adding "special items" to their menu from time to time. These special items are used to complicate study and to befuddle examinations.

However, the Big Mac did have two slices of cheese and still does, if you are within the correct timeline. A single slice Big Mac is the offshoot timeline which probably occurred during the mid 1970s while most of the world was either asleep, high, or not paying attention.

Original timeline Big Mac with two slices of cheese on the lower burger. If your McDonald's does not serve this sandwich, you are in the wrong timeline.
Wrong timeline Big Mac with a single slice of cheese on the lower burger. The timeline shift occurred in the 1970s and is causing many to misremember how the sandwich really should be constructed.
Don't even get me started on the complications this monstrosity has caused. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.


  1. The Big Mac is just such an item, and its shift has only recently been discovered.

Big Mac Timeline* is part of an infinite series that concerns

• • • TIMELINES • • •
*Remember, Timelines are endless and every choice you make creates a new thread.